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~ Septiplier One Shot ~

894 Words

They were different..

Third Person POV:

It was known. Where everyone 'belonged'. You were either popular, a geek, or just a loser. It wasn't common for anyone to talk to someone outside of their groups, but they were different.

He fell in love. Those baby blue eyes that shimmered in the sunshine, that button nose that looked adorable all scrunched up, those pouty pink lips that went so well with his rosy cheeks. Oh, and how could he forget those cute little skits and crop tops that complimented his lightly tanned skin and showed off his pudgy thighs and thin frame. Pure beauty.

All was well, except they were from different crowds. One was pretty and sweet. The other? Rough and sharp, intimidating to the wondering eye, but once you got near? Soft to the touch. Warm and sweet. Sure, he had a few bad habits, breath that stung with the bitter taste of cigarettes, but other than that he was wonderful.

Everyone seemed to fear the rough male, avoiding him in the halls, only daring to give him judging looks when his back was turned. But the feminine beauty had fell intrigued, not listening to his friends when they told him to look away. No, instead he just smiled, blushing when he received a smirk and a wink. Eventually, the intimidating man met him at his locker, and they spoke to each other. It was strange. There were unspoken rules that everyone knew of, this simple exchanging of 'hello's broke most of them. Neither of the two cared though. Rosy cheeks met with a shy smile and batting eyelashes.

A date was arranged.

The first of many. They began going on walks together, sitting on the grass at the park, traveling to a little meadow and sitting amongst the wildflowers. Nimble, purple coated fingers entwined flower stems, weaving them into a small crown of various colors. Smoke twisted and twirled above them, leaving the cigarette that sat between chapped lips, just below admiring, amazed eyes. Amazed at how absolutely pure and gorgeous this boy could look. Dressed in a lavender skirt and a short shirt that fit him well, brown hair fluffed and messy beneath the coronet of hues he'd created moments ago. He looked tiny sat beside the red haired male, they didn't look right together. Although, in a way, their differences were beautiful when placed together.

They learned things about each other. Things nobody else knew. Besides dressing femininely, the small boy enjoyed photography. Many times he had captured the older boy when the sun hit his face and smoke left his lips in small, cloudy bubbles. Despite seeming to be the prettier of the two, he found the other to be very beautiful. He'd fallen in love. They'd fallen in love.

Both had an immense attraction towards one another. Flaws only increased the pure love for each other. They were shunned at school, their friends finding their whole "relationship" stupid. A punk and a prep were to pieces of different puzzles. It didn't seem right to anyone, except them.

The brunette spent his time laying on his boyfriend's stomach, tracing the intricate tattoos that littered his torso. He found his boyfriend to be a work of art. Not minding the soft fingertips brushing over his abdominal muscles, the older just looked down at the boy, smiling at the way his eyes followed his finger in such an entranced manner. It was one of the most adorable things, seeing the feminine boy's cheek smushed against his chest, eyelashes fluttering closed as soft breaths left his lips.

Time moved slower when they were apart, only ever speeding up when they were close. It was as though the universe was against them. But they cherished their time together, loving being in each other's presence. They were rarely apart anymore. As summer approached and they days became longer, they spent their time atop a hill, watching the sun go down in a colorful burial. It was always so beautiful, but the punk male felt the small boy beside him was even prettier. He'd wrap his arm around said boy, feeling a face nuzzle into his chest, holding the boy's small frame close. Silence, the only sounds heard were soft breaths and wind gliding through the tree tops. So at peace, they forgot about the rest of the world, just for the time being, and watched the sun set, cuddling close, smiling.

Things were different.


(A/N): i'm unoriginal, all my fluff things are so similar ugh. idk tho, i like this one. fluff is nice, it makes me happy, and i need happy rn. i've had such a shitty day tbh. last night was awful and something bad happen right before i went to sleep so i couldn't sleep and i was really sad, and today i had to run the mile and it was so shitty. i was so dizzy after and i only got 3 seconds better than my old time. when my teacher told me my time i almost cried ahhh i'm such a little bitch. BUT i cut my hair the other day, so that's good:), and i'm also becoming closer with a friend of mine. idk there's goods and bads to everything. hope you all are having a nice week/day, love you guys:)

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