You're...not...real..? (2)

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Words: 282

Warning; Mentions Of Child Abuse, Homophobic Slurs, And Mental Disorders. Read With Caution

Jack's POV:

After the doctors had calmed down, just that one man was there, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Jack? Are you-"

"You're that man! B-but how?! You're not real! You disappeared after Felix shot you!" I gasped.

Confusion laced the man's face. Unnoticed he was in a white lab coat and wore a name tag.

'Mark Fischbach: Psychiatrist'

His name was Mark, he's a doctor. But how is he here?

"I'm sorry but, who is Felix?"

I began to explain everything that had happened, me killing my father and running away to find him, Mark, and Felix shooting him. He listened intently. As I finished speaking he nodded and looked as though he was lost in thought.

"Jack, it appears as though you have Schizophrenia. That explains why you had those hallucinations. I guess your mind created a character fairly similar to me."

Schizophrenia? But how? Why?

"B-but how did i get here?"

"Your father said he heard you speaking to yourself and crying, he called an ambulance to take you here." Mark explained.

"Am i going to be ok?" My voice grew dry and shaky as i held in sobs.

"Of course! Schizophrenia involves therapies and medications to help you keep it in control. And don't worry, I'll stay by your side and make sure everything is okay," Slowly, he laced his fingers in mine, and once again, I felt safe.

His smile was so reassuring, and our hands fit together so perfectly, like puzzle pieces. It was perfect, after all that had happened, I felt okay. Everything was going to be okay.

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