Youtubers as Suicide Squad

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(A/N): Ok so this is gonna be different, it's not a story I'm sorry. I just watched Suicide Squad for the second time and I love Harley Quinn and The Joker which made me think, I know some characters that would do great as some Suicide Squad characters, so here are some characters and descriptions:

The Joker = Darkiplier; I realize that Anti/Jack have green hair but their personalities don't match so I decided Dark worked well.

Description: Very evil, insane

Harley Quinn = Antisepticeye; I feel like this fits him very well because they both have similar personalities (and they're my favorites)

Description: crazy, can kill without a care, madly in love with The Joker/Darkiplier, would do anything for their love, really adorable

El Diablo = Cryaotic; I don't watch Cry often but I know he has a calm, laid back personality and I feel like Cry can be quite crazy

Description: calm, believes in peace, can snap and be crazy, cares for people

Captain Boomerang = Felix/Pewdiepie; My reasoning behind this is mostly because Felix has a sort of tough exterior but is sweet/fabulous on the inside (sometimes outside)

Description: cares for inanimate objects, strong/muscular

DeadShot = Markiplier; @lovesepticandiplier  said this and i thought about it and it seemed to work pretty well

Description: strong/muscular, weakness is that one person he cares about most (Jack), caring, kills lots of people


(A/N): So that's what I have I might add more if you guys have any ideas or thoughts on things I should change, I really liked this though. Harley/Anti is defiantly my favorite because they are lovesick and crazy. I, personally, love the idea behind The Joker and Harley Quinn's relationship, I know it's a bad relationship and The Joker is evil but I love it...that really shows who I am as a person, shit. I'm not evil I swear! Anyways, I love you guys:)

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