Sunshine And Butterflies

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~ Septiplier One Shot ~

746 Words

Jack Age: 6

Third Person POV:

Jack sat in the backseat of his mother's red Ford Escort, listening to his mother sing along to the radio while she drove.

"Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone," she sang, beautifully. "I know you love me, and soon you will see, you were meant for me, and I was meant for you."

The small Irish boy loves to hear his mother sing, she always sang with so much passion.

"Mommy," Jack began. "What's this song about?"

"Being in love," she stated with a small sigh.


"Because, being in love is a beautiful thing."

"Have you ever been in love?"


"With who?"

"Your father, of course," she chuckled lightly.


"Yes, darling?"

"Will I ever be in love?"

"You just have to find that special person, whether it be a boy, or a girl, you will find them."

"What is love?"

"Love is thinking about someone, right when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Love is happiness. Love is painful sometimes, but healing."

"What does love feel like?"

"Love feels like a bright, sunny, beautiful spring day. It feels like butterflies, and daisies. Sometimes it feels like a storm, but storms come and go. If you care enough, the sunshine  always comes back, always."

Jack thought about what she said, hoping one day he'd experience this idea of love.

*Ten Years Later*

Jack flopped down onto his bed, sighing happily.

"Mom, I think I'm in love."

His mother smiled and sat on the edge of his bed, "With whom?"

"Mark, he's just," Jack thought of the word, then it came to him. "Amazing!"

She let out a giggle, "How do you know you love him?"

"Because when I'm around him I feel the sunshine and butterflies."

"Then I'd say you are in love," she smiled, knowing her son was quite happy.

*Two Years Later*

Jack's mother smoothed out her sons pale pink sweater, as he looked in the mirror.

She didn't mind that her son was wearing a pink skirt and sweater, she just wanted him happy. He is going on his first date tonight, Mark finally asked him, and he's as happy as can be.

The boy loves to talk about how much he loves Mark, and how happy he is.

The doorbell rang and Jack's mother practically ran to answer it.

She opened the door revealing a red haired, Korean, teenager, standing there holding a bouquet of flowers, asters, to be precise. Those flowers just so happened to be Jack's favorite.

"Hello Mrs. McLoughlin, I'm here to pick up Jack," Mark smiled, nervously.

*Five Years Later*

Tears dropped down Jack's pale cheeks, as he listened to a man speak about his mother. Mark wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, reassuringly, as they both stared up at a wooden casket, the one that held his mother's corpse.

The man finished speaking and everyone went to speak to each other, mostly of the fond memories they had with Mrs. McLoughlin. The boys stood, holding hands and sniffling, as the man who had been speaking walked up to them.

"Jack, I'm so sorry about your mother passing, she asked me to give you this," he said, heading Jack a small folded piece of paper.

After wiping his tears, Jack opened the folded slip of paper, reading it.

Never let go of the sunshine and butterflies. Keep them as long as you can.

Love, Mom

A small smile reached Jack's face.

*Twelve Years Later*

Jack stand facing his soon-to-be husband, smiling. He waited for the priest to say the words that would make him a married man.

"I now pronounce you man and husband, you may kiss the groom," the priest said.

*Three Years Later*

Jack sat in the front of his car, singing.

"I know you love me, and soon you will see, you were meant for me, and I was meant for you."

"Daddy?" Sam questioned from the back seat.

"Yes, darling?"

"What's this song about?"

"Being in love."

"What is love?"

"Love is thinking about someone, right when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Love is happiness. Love is painful sometimes, but healing."

"Have you ever been in love?"


"With who?"

"Your father, of course."

"Will I ever be in love?"

"Yes of course, you just have to find that special person."

"What does love feel like?"

"Sunshine and butterflies."

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