Best Friends

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~ Septicpie/Jelix One Shot ~

819 Words

Felix and Jack are best friends, as the years go on, Jack talks to Felix about how he is falling for a certain red haired fellow, when something goes wrong, Felix is there to comfort his beloved friend..

Third Person POV:

Ever since they were 5 years old, Felix and Jack have been best friends, inseparable. The problem was just that for Felix, they were best friends, just best friends. Felix would never let his friend become aware of his feelings, he'd never want to ruin what they have. You see, Felix has been in love with Jack for the longest time, but Jack never seemed to return those feelings.

*Age: 7*

The two boys sat on Felix's bed playing video games. Felix was laughing because he was, to put it plainly, kicking Jack's ass.

"No fair!" Jack pouted as his character's health drained, tossing his remote onto the bed.

"You suck at this!" Felix laughed.

"Shut up!" Jack frowned, punching his friend's arm playfully.

"Make me, you loser," Felix taunted jokingly, soon being tackled by Jack.

"You cheated!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Yes you did!"

"No you just suck at everything! Now get off me," Felix giggled. "Or else I'll tickle you!"

Felix poked Jack's side, making him jump off the bed. He jumped onto his friend, tickling him, both giggling on the floor of his bedroom.

*Age: 12*


"Yeah, Jack?" Felix asked, his eyes never leaving the tv in front of him.

"Do you think boys are cute?"

"Uh...I dunno...Do you?"

"Yeah, you know Mark? From Ms. Fisher's class?"

"You like him?"

"Yes! Isn't he dreamy?" Jack layed back on Felix's bed, sighing happily.

"Ew no. Mark's ugly."

"How dare you say that about my future husband!" Jack giggled.

"Oh so now you're gonna marry him? You're delusional," Felix rolled his eyes playfully.

*Age: 16*

"Felix! Guess what!"


"I talked to Mark! He asked me out!" Jack said ecstatically.


"I know, crazy, right?!"

Felix heart sank in his chest.

"I think I'm in love, Fe! Isn't that wonderful?"

"Yeah," Felix said, attempting to seem happy. "Just, wonderful."

*Age: 18*

They laid in bed together, daydreaming, well, pretty much just dreaming because it was 6 am and Felix kept falling asleep. Despite his friend clearly thinking it was too early, Jack went on to talk about how perfect his boyfriend, Mark, was, and how much he truly loved him. Felix had gotten used to feeling sad whenever Jack spoke of being in love with someone other than himself, but he was also happy. He was happy that his best friend was happy. He was happy that the love of his life was happy. So those feelings of sadness and heartbreak weren't important, as long as Jack was happy, nothing else mattered.

Jack's phone went off just as Felix began to doze off again.

"It's Markimoo!" Jack exclaimed, a 'click' sound following, meaning he unlocked his phone.

Felix was expecting to hear all about a date Mark just asked him on, or something about Mark being adorable/perfect, but there was nothing. He didn't say anything. The Swede's eyes practically bolted open at the sound of sniffling.

"Jack? What's wrong?" Felix questioned, sitting up immediately.

"H-he...M-M-Mark dumped me," Jack held in a sob.


"He said h-he found s-someone e-e-else."

"I'm. Going. To. Fucking. Kill. Him."

"Fe! No, it's fine, I'm fine.." Tears dropped down his porcelain cheeks.

"He dumped you over a fucking text, Jack. He made you cry! I'm gonna slit his throat."

"Felix, please, it's not that big a deal," Jack sniffled. "C-can I sleep over? I don't wanna go home, my parents will ask what's wrong and...well I can't talk about this. I'm too sad.."

"Of course, Jack," Felix said, calming down a bit.

"Can we cuddle?" Jack looked up at Felix innocently.

Felix tried to hold in his excitement, nodding, "C'mere leprechaun."

He laid back down, immediately feeling the Irishman embrace him. Smiling, Felix wrapped his arms around Jack, pulling him closer.

"You're so warm and cuddly, Fe," Jack stated, nuzzling into his chest.

After a while, Felix heard Jack letting out adorable snores, breathing steadily. The Swede always thought Jack was an adorable sleeper. He always snored and cuddled up to something, this time, someone. Jack was the cutest thing Felix had ever seen, that's for sure.

"I love you, green-bean," He said, kissing the smaller boy's forehead.

Something strange happened, Jack smiled in his sleep.


(A/N): I was in a Jelix mood...Hope someone enjoys this, I know it's different, but I was thinking I might make this book a multi ship one shot book, like maybe Danti, Septiplier, Jelix, and Phan, or anything, idk. I'm still thinking, but for now, hope you enjoyed, I love you all so much<3

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