Septiplier Or Jelix?

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~ One Shot ~

1231 Words

Jack is recently single, reason being: he and Signe agreed to break up due to Jack being gay, and well, Felix and Mark have been waiting for an opportunity to snatch up the the three of them hang out, with some awkward tension that Jack is unaware of...

Third Person POV:

Jack had recently came out, he made a video, tweeted, and anywhere he hadn't said anything, well the fans took care of that. The whole thing spread like wildfire. Everyone knew about him and Signe's breakup, making it more of a big deal than it actually was because, in reality, the two were still on good terms and happy about the entire thing (Signe was quite proud of Jack as well). Despite all of that unnecessary drama, the fans were ecstatic upon finding out that he was gay, it made it possible for their ships to come true, and that's the ultimate goal of a fangirl/fanboy, isn't it?

Anyways, there were two people who were way more excited than any of the fans could be, and they go by the YouTube personas of Markiplier and Pewdiepie. Allow me to explain, you see, the two 27 year olds have been head-over-heels for the Irishman for the longest time, waiting for an opportunity to possibly date him. Now they both have the chance, since all three of them are meeting up at PAX East. Both boys know about each others feelings for the Irishman, meaning this upcoming week is going to be full of awkward tension and competing for his love.

Felix was planning on winning, he was quite confidant, currently getting dressed in a way hopefully appealing to the leprechaun he loves. Little did he know, Mark was already in the hotel café, buying Jack breakfast:

"Shouldn't we invite Felix?" Jack asked, following Mark into the lobby, attempting to locate the café.

"Oh, I already asked him, he said he wanted to sleep in a bit more, and do a few things..He said he'd catch up with us later.." Mark assured Jack, smiling convincingly. Obviously convincingly enough because the Irishman proceeded to follow him into the café. They ordered some coffee and breakfast sandwiches, and, with a bit of protest from Jack, Mark payed for the two of them. The two men decided to sit and talk for a bit, enjoying themselves, laughing and making jokes. But then Jack's phone went off.

Jack pulled out his phone, typing in his passcode and finding a message from Felix:

Fe: where are you guys? I came by your rooms but you weren't there

Confused, he quickly typed a reply, explaining the situation.

Jack: I thought Mark told you, we are eating breakfast in the café.. didn't he invite you?

He didn't receive a reply so he just brushed it aside and continued enjoying his time with Mark. Not too long after, Felix strolled into the café, spotting them and walking over, forcing a smile despite how annoyed he was at Mark. Since the two were seated at a table for two, Felix grabbed a nearby empty chair and placed it beside their table, sitting down. Anyone who would've seen Felix would've known he was an obvious third wheel, the thought made Mark chuckle lightly.

"Hey Fe!" Jack smiled.

"Hey Jack," Felix smiled at him, longingly, before hearing Mark clear his throat. "Hi Mark."

"Yeah, hi." Mark said, annoyed.

Jack noticed the awkward tension between the two as they stared at each other angrily. He decided to check his phone, noticing that it was almost time for PAX.

"Oh, guys, we better get going," Jack stated, finishing his coffee.

The boys nodded in agreement, standing and following Jack out of the café.

*Time Skip: After Fan-Meet-Ups*

Jack hugged the last fan he was permitted to see currently, signing a quick autograph and thanking them for wanting to meet him, after all, having so many people actually want to see him, having fans, was still so amazing to him. It meant so much to him still, despite how long he's been a YouTuber. He waved a quick 'goodbye' after another hug, and he was left with Mark and Felix.

"I think going to all these conventions is probably one of my favorite things to do," Jack commented, taking a seat beside Felix.

"Agreed, especially doing the panels, speaking of...we better start heading over there soon, it's almost time," Mark stated.

They all agreed and left. Mark offered to go across the street from the convention center to grab them beverages, leaving Felix and Jack alone.

"So..Jack, how are things with Signe? You know, since you came out."

"Oh, we're fine. I explained that it wasn't her fault because, she's a lovely person, but my heart belonged to someone else, a guy. She's happy for me, and she encouraged me to go after said 'guy', that's one of the reasons I'm here, ya know," Jack smiled, laughing a bit.

Felix opened his mouth to question, but was cut off by Mark's return.

"Ready to go, guys? Here's your waters," Mark handed them their drinks.

Jack smiled and linked their arms as they headed off toward the panel, Felix following behind, jealousy raging inside him.

*At The Panel*

The three of them were seated behind a long table, microphones and papers in front of them. Jack sat in between the two 27 year olds, waiting for the next fan to ask their question.

"Uh..I have a question..for Jack. First off: I'd like to congratulate you..on coming out to everyone, I know I was quite excited about the news," A brown haired girl stood in front of a microphone placed in the crowd, a line of people behind her as she chuckled at her words. "Anyways, I was wondering, without invading your privacy completely: are you interested in any guys at the moment?"

Blushing lightly, Jack smiled and began to respond, not noticing his friends stares of hope, "Well, thank you, and..uh yeah, I like to keep my relationships fairly private, I don't want to talk too much about the person, but yes, I'm currently interested in someone."

"Is there a possibility that that 'someone' may be sitting beside you right now?" She asked, a cheeky smile on her lips.

Jack's blush reddened, "Wasn't there a 'one question per person' rule?"

Felix laughed, "I don't think there was, Jack."

"There is now!" Jack laughed, continuing to avoid the question.

"Just answer the girl's question, Jack," chimed Mark with a smirk.

"Fine..the answer is..." Jack began, nervously. "M-maybe.."


(A/N): I kinda hate this, but I also like it. Idk, I feel like the majority of you would like Septiplier but idk, I'll leave it to you guys. Comment who you want Jack to end up with, and I'll make a part two with smut between those two people. (Secretly hopes Jelix) kidding, I honestly ship both so it's up to you guys. ANYWAYS: hope you enjoyed at least a little bit, it's different cuz it's not smut or fluff, but I hope it was okay at least, i promise i'll make the smut as good as i can to make up for how boring this is lol, and hopefully it'll be out tonight! so yeah, love you guys:)

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