So Very Lucky

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~ Septiplier One Shot ~

2028 Words

Mark surprises Jack on his birthday //suggested by: @Ptxiplier
*Lots Of Fluff Because In A Fluffy Mood*

Third Person POV:

Jack walked home from school, a pastel pink bag slung over his right shoulder. He shivered, ever so slightly, as a gust of wind crept across his bare legs and below his knitted, pink crop-top. The boy tugged at his pastel pink tennis skirt, trying to cover his legs a bit more. His pink high-tops crunched along the asphalt beneath them as he walked along the sidewalk toward his house. He sighed once more, in defeat, the day had been far too long and he was ready to just collapse on his bed and cuddle with his boyfriend.

Usually he would, but he couldn't because Mark had to stay after school for football practice. As much as Jack wanted to stay and watch, Mark told him to go home and relax, due to the fact that it's his birthday. Jack wanted to spend the day with Mark, but he knew he couldn't, Mark had better, more important, things to be doing.

The boy arrived at his house noticing nobody was home, his parents being at work and him being an only child. He pulled off his bag and shuffled around in it before pulling out his key. After tossing the bag back over his shoulder, he fiddled with the key and lock before he was able to open the door. As soon as he entered, he closed the door behind him and leaned his back against it, letting out another heavy, over exaggerated, sigh.

He looked up, noticing the two bouquets of flowers. Roses and chrysanthemums. The flowers were all beautiful and pastel colored. They were his favorite types of flowers, and he loved them, but who put them there? As he walked over to examine the beautiful flowers, he found a pretty card on it that read:

Happy birthday, princess! Meet me in the kitchen once you get here:)

Love, Mark<3

Jack smiled, excitedly making his way into the kitchen, being met with Mark, who was mixing something in a silver bowl by the counter. The smaller wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, pulling him into an embrace from behind.

"Hey, babe," Mark greeted, softly, moving to face the younger. "I thought I heard you come in."

"I thought you had practice?" Jack questioned, nuzzling his face into Mark's chest, feeling strong arms pull him closer.

"I may have lied so i could set things up here," Mark chuckled, kissing Jack's forehead.

Jack giggled and pulled away from the embrace, glancing over at the bowl Mark had been mixing before, "What're you making?"

"Cake. The cookies are in the oven. I know you love sugary treats."

"Mm," Jack hummed, walking over to the over and smelling the sweet scent of chocolate chip cookies, giggling at his boyfriend's comment.

Mark examined his boyfriend, smiling, wondering how he could be so lucky, this boy was too cute, how did he get the pleasure of dating him? Jack looked adorable, as always, and Mark felt oh so very lucky.

They'd decided to watch some anime and cuddle on the couch while all the treats were baking. Mark finished mixing the cake, putting it in a dish and into the oven, while Jack searched for his favorite anime. When Mark had put the cake in the oven and started a timer, he met Jack in the living room, plopping down on the couch while his boyfriend put a disk in and set up the television. After he'd set everything up, Jack walked over to the couch, sitting beside Mark, cuddling up to him.

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