Peasant Boy

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~ Septiplier One Shot ~

792 Words

Mark is a young prince, his parents are forcing him to choose a young peasant girl to marry, but what happens when Mark chooses a boy?

*Vulgar Language, But If You've Read This Far I'm Sure You're Fine*

Mark's POV:

I snuck around the castle to my father's dressing room. I peeked through to see if he was busy. A few young ladies were measuring his arms and waist, preparing a nice outfit for him.

I knocked gently on the large wooden door. He turned to me causing the women to move around him.

"What is it son?" He questioned.

"When are we gonna go into the village, father?" I asked politely.

I'm being forced to search for a wife in the village, if only he knew I'm gay. I mean I spend lots, and I mean lots, of time with my personal chef in my room. I lost my fucking virginity to him.

If he knew that he'd disown me. Jokes on him I've been really slutty with a bunch of guards as well and he hasn't noticed a thing!

"After I'm fitted and you are wearing clothes fit for a prince." He says gesturing to my pajamas, a gray t-shirt and old shorts.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my room, winking at the guards outside my bedroom door. They open it up for me and close it behind me.

After opening my wardrobe that is the size of a house in the village, I find some clothing 'fit for a prince.' I pull on (the clothes above).

When I finish dressing I brush my red hair and mess it up over and over again until it's just right. My father would have maids do his hair but I prefer to do some things myself. I'm not an infant.

I walk down to the kitchen to steal some food and possibly have a quick make-out session with that hot chef. No, I wouldn't say we are dating, I don't date people, I fuck them. I'm a prince nobody gives a shit.

I reach the kitchen to see the chef, I don't know his name in all honesty, pulling fresh blueberry muffins from the oven. Fuck that looks good, and I'm not talking about the muffins.

He bent over and I grabbed his ass roughly, making him squeal. He smiled as I leaned in and kissed him, grabbing a muffin from behind him. I left the kitchen biting into the warm muffin, blueberry juices bursting in my mouth.

I let out a muffled moan. They were good, so was that ass. Damn. Time to pick out some nice peasant ass.

I meet my mother and father at the main entrance, with is just a pair of giant wooden doors that leads to the main road, which leads to the village.

"It's about time you showed up. You are going on your own, the guards will be around, but you can walk on your own," my father stated.

My mother just smiled and walked toward me squeezing my cheeks, "Oh my baby is going to pick a nice wife. You're all grown up."

My mother knew I was gay, but she didn't want to force me out of the closet. I hugged her and followed some guards out to a carriage led by four white horses.

I got inside and some guy started whipping the horses and yelling "Yah!" I just finished my muffin and watched as we were engulfed in small houses. The village.

The carriage soon stopped and some guy in puffy pants started yelling about why I was here. Boring.

I stepped out and smiled that pussy-wetting smile. Some girls started waving and giggling hoping I'd choose them, too bad I'm into dicks.

I walk around, winking at some guys with girls thinking they were who I was winking at. Then, I saw him.

This green haired peasant boy, and I knew as soon as I saw him, I wanted to fuck his tight little ass.


(A/N): You know exactly what the next chapter will involve. There will be a part two. Idk why but I used pretty vulgar words in this one. Whatever. Mark's a slutty prince, what more can you ask for? I don't know what I'm saying anymore, lol, I'm sorry. I thought of this while watching Jack play Reign part 2. I was gonna make Jack a witch and Mark a king but nah, I like this. I also have another idea I want to write, I need to start planning things out, ideas pop in my head while I'm in the middle of writing and I'm like, oh. Anyways, I love you guys:)

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