Say What? (Mia's POV) Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of Greyson Chance's voice.   

Sat there on the dock with both my feet grazing the water I can taste the island beaches on my toes.... 

I began groaning.

"Mia!" Derek called my name at the top of his lungs. I just let him, I wanted to see how long he can do that without water.

"Mia!" Shouted Derek once more. I wanted him to go on, and on, and on, and on until he got tired. Sadly, that wasn't happening. Mum entered the room with a wide grin on her face.  

"Wake up sleepyhead," Mum said "It's your first day of school, remember?"  

Dang! I forgot. Screw school! I'm beginning Year 9 today.

I was led down by the delicious smell of Mum's homemade pancakes. Granny's recipe until she . . . Left. I miss her. She was like my best friend... Well anyways, after I got dressed, I grabbed my bag, made sure it had at least ten dollars, then headed for the car, followed by Derek, who was beginning Year 3.

"Mia, Mia, Mia, Mia." he asked in a very annoying tone, which he had for, like, ever since I can remember (I actually can't remember, but you know what I mean).  

"Hm?" I answered back

"Can I have cash?" He asks me, smiling widely.  

I laugh at the adorable smile I've messed up all these years. It's the first time I saw it in a long time. How can I have never realized how cute this was?  

"Okay, okay." I handed him two dollars.

"What do you expect me to do with this?" Derek complained. Now I remember why I don't see that smile often. Gotta love my brother.  

Mother, on the other hand, was laughing at us. "I miss this." She said.  

"Miss what?" I asked her.  

"This!" She motioned to Derek and I. "I miss how the both of you got along so well. Er, until Derek forced his sister to give him some money." Derek smiled sheepishly at Mum, then muttered a sarcastic apology.

We arrived at Derek's school first. He put his hand in front of Mum's torso (no worries, he didn't touch anything), and we immediately understood what he wanted. I said no, which made him whine. God, why do I have to be related! Just so she could avoid a scene which involves a bunch of crying, kicking, and screaming, Mum handed him $5.

We got to my school. I grabbed my knapsack, Mum insisted I kissed her goodbye, so I did. Once I got in, I saw him.

Star football player, smartest guy in class, handsome, and everything else I'd want from a boy. Well, unless he was Greyson Chance, that'd be different. He flipped his hair, looked in my direction, and rolled his eyes with a grin as if saying 'Stay away from me you freak' which, I dunno if you could understand my situation. But if you do, you probably look at yourself in the mirror everyday and feeling as insecure as possible.

"Sistah!" My best friends, Ariana and Allianna. If you're wondering, yes, they are twins. They are cuh-ray-zee over boys, and Greyson Chance, just as much as I am!  

"Were you staring at Luke again? Because Mia, if you were, I'm telling you, he isn't worth it." Ariana said to me. Can't she just let the dreamer dream?

"What if I am? Everyone does it . . ." I said, blushing tomato red.  

"Right." Ariana told me, while giving me a wink. "Look around you. You're the only one who still gives him those looks. Almost all the girls got sick of it during Year 4."  

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