Announcement & Thank You Letter

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Hi guys!

It's been so long, oh my grey.

I've been reading all your comments and I'm so grateful to have readers like you guys. I love you all so much, thank you for supporting this story from the start until the end. For surviving like, 72 parts? I don't know.

And those who've been supporting the story from the start, thanks so much for being patient. It took me like, what, 8 months? Just to finish a fan fiction. Damn, I love youuuu :')

Now, for the announcement. She never asked me to promote, but one of my best buds, my partner in crime, and 'baliw bud' is writing - get this, a RUNNING AWAY FAN FICTION. It's actually a Greyson fan fiction but some parts of the plot and characters of my story have been adapted into hers (And it's coming out on my birthday ;D). So I guess it could be my story's fan fiction too. :3

The trailer for it is on the side. This is just so weird oh my god. A fan fiction about a fan fiction. I like the sound of that hahaha is anyone else doing something like that? Heheheh.

There are still so much months to go before she releases the story. For updates, go fan her now! She's @goldishred11. Yes, the girl with so much swagge she actually takes time to make my book covers. Her profile is in the external link, so go click on it!

And again, thanks so much for the support you've been giving this story. It hit 150k reads, can you believe it?! I can't. At all.



I miss doing that *sigh*

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