Chapter 57

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Amy's POV

"Alex, you have to go to work," I say with a giggle as he kisses my neck while we lay on his bed.

"I can just call in sick," he mumbles, burying his face into my neck.

"You know very well that you can't do that. You have patients to take care of," I tell him.

"But I just want to stay here with you," he whines. "I want to lay in bed all day with you, and kiss you and cuddle with you. We never get to do that because I'm always working."

"Which isn't a bad thing because you're saving lives."

He sighs. "I know, but I just wish I had more time to spend with you."

"Alex, we work together and then we're still together after work," I point out. "We spend a lot of time together."

"I just want to spend a whole day just relaxing and doing nothing with you," he tells me.

"Well Christmas is coming up soon, so maybe we can do that during the holidays," I suggest. "But for now, go to work."

"Fine," he says with a sigh, slightly lifting his body off of mine so that he's supporting his weight on his elbows. "But you better be here when I get home from work."

"It's my day off, so I don't even plan on leaving," I tell him with a giggle.

"Good," he mumbles, smiling as he kisses me.

"Now go shower," I say, pushing up on his shoulders to move him off of me.

"Come join me."

I shake my head. "No, I'm comfortable in this bed."

"Looks like I'll have to change that then," he says with a smirk.

Before I'm able to fight back, Alex gets off of me and off of the bed. As he stands up, he scoops me up into his arms. My naked body presses up against his chest. I hit his biceps to make him put me down, but he just laughs. He carries me to the washroom that's connected to his room. When we get inside, he goes to the shower. As he turns it on while still holding me, I watch the way the muscles of his naked body flex in the reflection of the mirror behind him.

When I hear the water turn on, I look away from the mirror. I watch as the water from the shower head falls in front of me. Alex turns his body a bit, and the water hits my legs. Alex slowly sets me down into the shower until I'm standing on my own. Then he steps into the shower as well, and closes the shower door behind him. He stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer to his body.

Alex places his hand onto my stomach. He gently caresses my bump as he kisses my neck and shoulder. I place my hand on top of his, intertwining my fingers in between his. I look down at my stomach, and our intertwined hands. I smile as I place my other hand on my stomach as well. I'm a little over four months pregnant now, and it feels like I'm getting bigger and bigger each day.

"I have a stretch mark," I say as I notice the white line on my stomach.

"I know. You have some more forming on the other side of your stomach too," Alex tells me.

"How do you notice them and I don't?," I question.

"Because I pay close attention to your body," he mumbles, and I feel his lips curl up into a smirk against my skin.

"And you didn't tell me that I was getting stretch marks? I could've put some creams or oils on them."

He chuckles. "What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that they'll still be there even after I have the baby, and it'll be so unattractive," I tell him.

"Ok, I'm gunna stop you right there," Alex says, turning me around in the shower to face him. "It doesn't matter if you have stretch marks, you'll still be beautiful. You could gain a hundred pounds, and you'd still be beautiful. Because your beauty goes beyond the way you look. You have a beautiful soul. And as long as you have that, you'll still be beautiful to someone."

Loving You (Tyler Seguin) {Sequel to How To Love}Where stories live. Discover now