Chapter 36

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Amy's POV

I groan as I hear my alarm going off. I check the time as I turn it off, getting annoyed at how early it is. I'm going back to work today at the hospital. I quit my job at the restaurant again the other day. I was assured that if I needed the job again that it would always be available to me. As much as I love the people at the restaurant, I plan to never work there again. I'd much rather be at the hospital with the kids.

I roll over on my bed, lying on my back and staring at the ceiling. I look over at the spot next to me, seeing Marshall lying there. He's asleep, and Cash is asleep on the ground. They're staying with us while Tyler is in Nashville for the playoffs. I turn onto my side, giving Marshall a quick kiss on the top of his head. Then I pull the covers off of my body, and get out of bed.

I make my way over to the washroom, and I hop into the shower. When I finish, I brush my teeth. Then I head back to my room. Marshall and Cash are both awake now, and they're sitting on my bed. Of course they wake up just in time to watch me change. They're just like Tyler. They watch me change and get ready. They even drool a bit just like Tyler does. They really take after their dad.

I change into my work clothes. It feels weird to be putting them on again after not wearing them for the past few months. Once I'm changed, I do a little bit of makeup. I just brush my hair, and pin back the front in braids. I put a little hairspray into my hair, and then I'm done. I grab some comfy shoes, my coat and purse, and carry them with me as I leave my room. The dogs hop off the bed, and follow behind me.

I walk downstairs, and head into the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I find dad in there, making some bacon and eggs. Dylan isn't downstairs yet. It's still a bit early for him to be up for school. I walk over to dad, giving him a hug from the side. Dad smiles slightly as I lean up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Cash nudges against dad's leg which makes him chuckle. I smile as dad laughs, giving him another hug.

On top of making it up to Tyler, I've been trying to make things up to dad too. I don't know why, but I was so much more rude to dad after the accident than I've ever been to him before. I know how much it must've hurt dad to have me hate him again after I had finally moved on after years. I was horrible towards him, and I feel bad about that. So I've been trying to earn his forgiveness.

Of course as my father, he has already forgiven me. Dad is just glad that my memory is back. There's still some tension between us, but it lessens everyday. I'm sure that eventually we'll be back to how we were right before the accident. I wish that I could go back in time to that day before everything went to shit. I want to erase everything that happened after the accident. I wish I could take back hurting Tyler and my dad. I'm just fortunate that neither of them blame me for anything.

"Is your brother up?," dad asks as I go to sit at the table.

"I don't think so," I say. "But he might be in the washroom now."

"Well if he's not down here in five minutes, can you go wake him up?," he tells me.


"So are you excited for your first day back?," dad questions.

"Yes. I'm just happy to be going to the hospital for a reason other than those stupid memory exercises," I say.

He chuckles. "Tyler kinda wasted his money on those."

"Don't tell Tyler that," I remark. "He likes to believe that those exercises actually helped, but I just think my memory coming back was a fluke incident."

"Well it doesn't matter to me how you remembered. I'm just glad to have my daughter back, and I'm glad that you don't hate me anymore," dad says.

"I'm still really sorry about the way I treated you after the accident," I tell him with a sigh.

Loving You (Tyler Seguin) {Sequel to How To Love}Where stories live. Discover now