Chapter 29

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Amy's POV

I walk out of Doctor Allen's office after our session. I had received a text from Doctor Matthews earlier to meet him upstairs on the paediatrics floor. He seemed really excited when he was texting me. I'm really curious as to what the excitement is all about. So I take the elevator up to the paediatrics floor. I start walking around, and then I find Doctor Matthews at the end of a hall.

"Alex," I call out which makes him stop walking.

"Hey Amy," Alex says, turning around and walking towards me.

"You seemed really excited when you texted me earlier."

"I was. I still am super happy," he tells me with a huge smile.

"And why's that?," I question.

"Because I successfully operated on this boy today who only had a fifteen percent chance of living. The kid's doing really well right now. I just feel great about saving him. It reminded me of why I'm doing this job. I'm saving the lives of innocent children, and anytime I get a good outcome it feels incredible," he explains, and I can see that he's getting a little teary while talking.

"That's amazing," I say, grabbing his hand. "What you do everyday is amazing. You're a hero to these kids. You give them another chance at life. You're an incredible person."

"Thank you," Alex says, leaning in and kissing me.

"We should go out tonight to celebrate," I tell him.

"Go out where?," he asks.

"I don't know. Maybe a bar. Celebrate with a few drinks," I suggest.

"Well I'm on call tonight so I can't drink, but I don't mind going to a bar. You can still drink, and we can play pool or something."

"Sounds like a plan then," I say with a smile.

"More like a date," he remarks, smirking as he puts an arm around my waist.

"I don't date," I tell him.

"Well you can just for tonight."

"No, I can't," I say, taking a step back.

Alex sighs. "Ok fine, it's not a date. We're just hanging out."

"Thanks," I mumble, stepping back into his hold.

"So I told you about my amazing day. What did you do?," he asks as he puts his other arm around me as well.

"I worked in the morning, and then came here for my session with Doctor Allen," I tell him.

"How are the sessions going? Any progress?"

"No," I say with a sigh. "I still hear things in my head, but there's zero memories from anything."

"Well I'm sure you'll get your memory back eventually," Alex reassures me with a smile.

"Why would you want me to get my memory back?," I question. "That would mean an end to whatever we have going on."

"Ya, but you seemed so happy before," he tells me. "I mean, you seem happy now too, but it's not the same. Maybe it was because of Tyler. Actually, it most likely was because of Tyler. You were so happy with him, and I just want for you to be happy."

"It still really confuses me why you always bring up things about me and Tyler when you want to be with me. If you want me, shouldn't you be trying to make me forget about other guys?," I ask.

"I want you so bad, Amy. I would fight against Tyler for you. I tried to be with you even when you belonged to him. It made me seem like a shitty person, but I know that the person that we love isn't always who we're meant to be with. I still want to believe that I can be better for you than Tyler. But I don't want you to choose me when you don't know everything. I want you to know how Tyler made you feel, and then realize that the way that I make you feel is better. But you can't do that if you don't remember him. And I don't want to win you over unfairly. I want you to know all your options, and know how you feel about every guy before you choose anyone."

Loving You (Tyler Seguin) {Sequel to How To Love}Where stories live. Discover now