"I could never love anyone more than you."

"You hear that Marshall? She loves me more, so back off," he says in a stern voice, wagging his finger at Marshall like a parent.

"Scared he might win me over?," I tease as I stand up again to cook.

"I'm always scared that someone might steal you from me," he mumbles.

"You shouldn't be. I've imagined a life without you, and it sucks so I don't ever want that. I'm not gunna leave you for anyone," I tell him.

"Promise?," he asks, putting up his pinky.

"I promise."

I lock my pinky with Tyler's. I pull his hand closer, and place a gentle kiss onto his knuckles. Tyler smiles at me, looking into my eyes. I let go of his hand, and return to making our pancakes. As I get to the last few ones, Tyler hops off of the counter. He wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses my neck. Tyler slides his hand under my shirt, and I let out a tiny shriek.

"Your hands are cold," I exclaim, moving them off my body.

"Let's warm them up then," he whispers, moving a hand down into my sweats.

"Stop," I tell him, but I let out a small moan when I feel Tyler's fingers brush up against my thong.

"You don't sound very convincing," he says with a chuckle, kissing my shoulder.

I start to relax my body against Tyler's, resting my head back against his shoulder. Tyler hooks my underwear, and moves it aside as he starts to rub his fingers over my clit. I close my eyes, focusing on the feeling of his hand. It's still cold, but that just adds to the amazing sensation. I moan out again, this time louder. I feel Tyler move his hand to put his fingers inside me, but before he can I smell something burning.

"Shit, the pancake," I shout, elbowing Tyler away from me.

"Goddamn pancake ruined our moment," he remarks.

I quickly take the pancake off the stove, and see that it's burnt. "This one is yours since you distracted me."

"It was worth it," Tyler says with a smirk, licking his fingers.

"Wash your hands," I tell him.

"Fine," he says, sighing as he turns on the tap.

As Tyler washes his hands, I put the pancakes onto two plates. I give Tyler more since he's able to eat more. Once Tyler is done washing his hands, he pours us both some milk. While he does that, I grab the syrup for the pancakes. Tyler grabs some knives and forks, and then the two of us sit down at the table together. Marshall follows us to the table, and sits down underneath it beside my feet.

"Don't forget that we have to go to that dinner tonight," Tyler says as we start eating.

"Oh right, I totally forgot. What's the dinner for again?," I ask.

"To celebrate you getting your memory back," he tells me.

"But I've had my memory back for weeks," I point out.

"I know, but tonight was the only night that worked out for everyone to be able to come," he explains.

"I've hung out with most of the guys since I got my memory back, so it's not like it's a big deal," I remark.

"Then just think of this dinner like any other dinner," Tyler tells me. "If it's not a big deal, then don't make it into a big deal."

I sigh. "Ok, I won't think about it too much. But what do you want to do until then?"

Loving You (Tyler Seguin) {Sequel to How To Love}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя