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Author's POV

Ever since that argument, Eunjae and Yoongi did not face each other for some days as Yoongi drifted his mind to the company work and gave her space while Eunjae just get her mouth shut and locked her emotions and interactions with the family in particular. Everything seemed quiet which was painfully to both of them.

Yoongi stopped at her door, it was late at night and her room's light was on, glancing at it before letting a knock fall against it.

"Yes." The voice was faint almost inaudible.

"...Eunjae?" He called out slowly and walked to her bed where she sat with her eyes darted to the bright screen.

"Yes?" Her voice was icy cold, even more than he had met her again.

"Can we talk?" His every word was hesitant yet he knew it was the only way to solve the problem.

"What do you even want to talk about?" The sarcasm and frustration was so evident that it was starting to boil his own anger but he knew he had to keep down for not to end their 'talk' like last time.

"Umm... about what you said last time. About us-" He was cut off by her scoff at something she saw on her phone as she looked up at him after sometime.

"You were saying something? Continue." Her ignorant behaviour got on his nerves but he had much of a self control and he knew much of that while keeping his thoughts on her attempts of getting rid of her problems.

"About what you said last time." He stared hard at her enough for her to flip her phone aside with an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, what did I say last time?" She wiggled her eyebrows up with not much interest totally audible in her voice as if she wanted him to know her frustration with this talk.

"You said I bother you too much. You said I was nosy. Did you really meant that?" His breath got stuck while he waited for emotions to appear on her face and her reply.

"Yoongi?" She called out in a soft voice making him look in her eyes.

When she didn't continue her sentence, he got a little stiff and tried to encourage her for her reply, "Yeah?"

"Which part of 'yes' did you not understand last time? I literally repeated my sentence as well so what did you not understand?" Her tone was so soft yet her words the exact opposite, harsh, as a frown formed on her brows. "Hmm. Darling, what did you not understand? Are you that stupid?"

Though her words burned like a whole box of crackers inside him, it hurted more to know how much the topic mattered to her. He found her phone was important to her than his feelings which broke him as he saw her get her phone back and just scroll through some stupid reels.

"Anything else?" As he didn't left she heaved out a sigh while rolling her eyes but that only added to hurt.

"Yes... you. You said you... loved m-"

"Can you state your sentence in one without trailing off or stuttering?" She finally sat up with her phone still in her hand and her eyes scanning the screen.

He took a deep breath in and tried his best to follow what she said, "You said you loved me. Was it a lie?" His face had turned blank but it was only till Eunjae answered.

"It wasn't a lie. It was clearly a misunderstanding. I mistook attraction for love. Didn't you realise that? Tell me. When you first found yourself having some kind of attraction to a girl, were you sure you liked her or you liked her face or physical appearance or were you sure you had feelings for her that didn't mattered because of her face or appearance and you loved her without caring? Were you truly sure of every of it?" Her argument was valid and the inside of his mind shook at what she was saying, he had liked her from the moment she had ran for his sister not caring much while most of his girlfriends were really either awkward with her or just annoyed by her when she did dumb things but she only helped and took care of her. The day she tried to give up her life, he was more worried than hurt about her carelessness over a precious life.

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