Special treatment

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Eunjae's POV

I woke up when I felt the grip around me get tighter. I opened my eyes slightly as I saw Yoongi. I felt like the very first time I slept with him. His face was looking just... just like people in movies and dramas, ethereal. My heart is not in its place again and is taking my brain's place.

But he indeed is handsome and gentle with me. He was holding my waist in his one arm and the other one was beneath my head. I don't remember a thing from last night but I don't think I need to know or its just I don't wanna know.

He... he was just making me feel like a familiar feeling which I didn't knew was familiar to me. I just felt like... like I knew. I just unknowingly did. I just keep thinking about him but a memory pass through my head of me snuggling into his neck in front of the mansion.

He carried me. And I know where this is going now. Exactly where I think. And I need to get away from where I am going. I just can't waste and ruin his life because of me, can I?

But when his forehead touched mine, I just opened his grip and roll on the side. To hear the shuffling of bed. And soon his voice.

"You are awake? Good morning." He says and the very next second he is right next to me while I am looking down.

"Good morning." I lowly muttered and got up as soon as I could feel him looking at me.

"What happen? You okay?" He asked slowly while holding my two fingers which he caught.

"Ah nothing! I am just sleepy and having a bit of hangover headache." I tried to sound as natural as possible but I am not sure if he can't find it.

"Okay. I will go and get Mrs. Lim to make soup for you and hyung too." A relived sigh escapes my lips as I turn and give him a smile while walking back to the bathroom.

I am saved today. Again.

Yoongi's POV

I could sense a bit of that lie in her voice but I cannot be peculiar and sure about it, not when I could not even see her face. To read the emotions.

But I don't think it's something, she would've told me, would've opened up to me, wouldn't she?

I walked out of her room and got to my room to get freshen up. Brushing my teeth, I couldn't help but keep thinking what if she really... kissed me? What would have been the outcome of it? Would she have forgotten about it or I guess not?

Author's POV

Yoongi was now getting familiar with Eunjae's nature, he was getting curious and learning about her behaviour. He would often see some unsettling expression over her face when she is alone or thinking, he would catch her lies and make her tell the truth.

Mr. Lee was happy that now there is someone who can replace or just be like him when he's not around but one thing he didn't knew was this will lead to Yoongi knowing another truth which he didn't wanted him to know and might break his trust.

Soon Eunjae came down and went to the kitchen to find Yoongi placing the soup in a bowl and Mrs. Lim on the other side making food.

"Did you make it?" She asked him, following him to the living room.

"Duh!" He placed the soup infront of her and turn on the T.V. and Eunjae start taking small sips od the soup while blowing away the hotness of it.

"So... Is something bothering you?" He directly asked about what was on his mind making Eunjae place the bowl on the table again.

"No, nothing." She lied while looking into his eyes, her emotions were controlled by her brain cause that's what she forced her heart to start believing that Yoongi saw that emotion of boredom and carefree.

"That's good then." He said and continued watching TV genuinely this time and not caring about what Eunjae had in her mind cause he was assured that there is nothing on her mind.

Eunjae's POV

I need to be careful with my actions, he is starting to notice what I actually mean than what I say.

I need to stay away from him, as far as possible. I need to stop being selfish, I have already did something horrible to him and when he will get to know about it, his trust will be broken into pieces but I can't change my decision now cause its already taken.

"How is it?" He suddenly asked pulling his eyes away from the TV.

"It's superb." I smiled at him and act to focus on the TV so he will also give his attention to the TV.

"But why the special treatment?" I asked when he kept staring at me.

"Why? Can't I make you some soup?" He fake frowned as I scoffed at him with a small smile and we continue watching the TV.

"There will be a surprise in a few days for you." He again suddenly making me asl him what is it about, "What, surprise?"

"Surprises are not supposed to be known beforehand, Eunjae." He smirked and looked away, knowing he has disturbed me by telling this earlier than needed.

"Fuck you, Suga."


Edited* (I have cut down alot from this chapter because it was supposed to be like this.)

I am just bored since I am sick and got motivation from two of my idol like elder in the wattpad so here I am!

But I was really confused how to suddenly make them realise their feelings and got this idea upon watching a drama and placing my opinion in between, hope you liked it.

Please vote.

Bye lovies!

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