- GyuJun - Daddy -

Start from the beginning

" Aren't you happy with me anymore ? "

" Yes, I am ! Of course, but I think I could be even happier if we had a child with us. "

" Honestly I've thought about it a lot too and I think we can make good parents..."

" Are you serious ? This isn't a joke ? "

" I'm very serious Jun baby ~ "

Jun smiles and so happy with the news he throws himself into his lover's arms, the latter laughs at his boyfriend's reaction and places a few kisses on his lover's neck.

-> The next day

The two boys leave home to go to an orphanage. Once there, the lady at reception urges them to go to the playpen outside.
In front of the park, they see countless children, but they notice one in particular, sitting alone in a corner, playing with sand with no smile on his face and a sad expression on his face.
Jun and Mingyu decide to approach the child, who, noticing two adults at his height, raises his head and a thin smile comes to the corners of his lips.

" What's your name ?  "

" My name is Siwoo. "

" How old are you ? "

" I have six years old."

" Why are you alone ? "

" The other kids are like my real parents : They don't love me. "

" How about we show you what real love is ? "

The little boy's eyes begin to sparkle and he simply nods, Jun finds him really adorable so he decides to carry him in his arms all the way to reception. There, the lady at the reception desk gives them adoption papers. Mingyu, like Jun, signs the papers and little Siwoo officially becomes their child.

-> A few months later

Siwoo has finally settled in with his new parents, who in turn are more than happy to have adopted the boy. Jun is currently in the kitchen preparing breakfast for his son and his boyfriend, until he feels two small hands clutching at his pants. Jun smiles and sets his bowl aside to match his child's height. Gently, he takes his son in his arms and strokes his hair.

" Did you sleep well, my love ? "

" Yes and you mommy ? "

" I slept very well too, would you like to go wake daddy up ? I have to finish making breakfast."

The little one simply nods and places a kiss on Jun's cheek before escaping from his mommy's arms to head for his parents' bedroom.

It doesn't take Jun long to finish his task, but his boyfriend and son take a long time to come, so Jun decides to go up the stairs and have a look. When he opens the bedroom door, he stumbles upon the cutest scene ever : Mingyu is gently tickling their son, who is gesticulating all over the place, laughing, with littles tears in his eyes.

" I'm sorry to do that really, this sweet moment is adorable but we have to eat, my two love's. "

" Mommy, help me ! Daddy is bugging me and won't let go. "

" Gyu-ah, leave our son alone and let's go eat with have a long journey after. "

" All right, baby."

So that's how Mingyu stops his gentle torture and lets his son off the bed to join Jun, Mingyu also gets up from the bed and comes straight over to kiss his boyfriend on the lips. After this sweet exchange, the lovers step back, Siwoo having already disappeared to go and watch cartoons in the living room.

" Gyu-ah, you've finally found someone to call you Daddy. "

" And you know what, I'm glad it's our kid who calls me that instead of you. "

" It's less cringe and more cute this way, isn't it ? "

" Definitely."

Mingyu returns to place a kiss on his lover's lips and he comes to take his hand afterwards so they can join their child in the living room, the little family is definitely the happiest in the world right now. Siwoo is also happy because he's going to join an establishment he hopes to make friends with there, his parents have reassured him that he'll easily be loved and have friends.

" Daddy, Mommy ! Thank you for adopting me that day, you're the best parents every child dreams of having. "

" You're a dream child too lovely. "

" We love you so much sweetheart. "

The three of them smile at each other really happy that they're a real family now.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

Siwoo from BXB ( He's so cute help- ) ❤️‍🩹

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Siwoo from BXB ( He's so cute help- ) ❤️‍🩹

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