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Chapter 56 Adding an Office Area (1/2)

Author: Fengyu Word count: 5304 Update time: 2023-09-09 17:12:13

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The next day, Qi Yun sat in Qi Huan's office, looking at the two freshly released design drawings, and was extremely confused.

After looking at Qi Huan, who was carefully screening his resume, Qi Yun had no choice but to pull out two more design drawings and start looking at them. He looked at the design drawings, then at Qi Huan, then at Qi Huan, and then at Qi Huan, repeating the cycle until Qi Huan had finished looking at the design drawings. Getting impatient.

"Okay, stop looking at me, what's wrong with my big boss?"

"Sister Qi Huan, what should I do if I don't know which one to choose between these two designs? I quite like them both. How do I choose?"

"You've been struggling here for more than an hour just because of this."

"Well, just for this."

"Then just build two, one for girls, one for boys, and put a restaurant in the middle. That'll be fine."

"Yeah, that's it, I'll fix it right now."

"Wait, why are you in a hurry?"

"Sister Qi Huan, what's wrong?"

"Don't even think about it. Now you add a convenience store, and then another convenience store. From now on, it will be called a convenience store, or a comprehensive office."

"Ah, what do you think we should do, Sister Qi Huan?"

Qi Huan had no choice but to deal with the boss's failure. He must provide corresponding solutions to the problems he proposed, so he spoke:

"Add a second floor to the convenience store and build a separate external staircase from the side. It is convenient and will not interfere with each other. Any rooms with similar functions that are needed in the future can be built directly inside, and my office can also be moved up. How nice. .

"Well, okay, let's do it like this. I'll do the operation. Sister Qi Huan, let's go. Let's go out and I'll finish the building after we walk over. Then we'll go up and see where to put your office. You choose first."

"Okay." Qi Huan had no choice but to clean up the office and follow Qi Yun out.

The two of them went up to the second floor of the convenience store that had been added. This second floor seemed relatively empty because there were no internal partitions.

Qi Huan walked around and chose an innermost location, and then she redesigned the layout of the office.

Because she had space this time, she divided the office into three parts. The middle part facing her when she opened the door was prepared for her future assistant. The left side was her office space, and the lounge was placed directly there. It is in her office space, which is convenient to use. On the right is a large conference room.

The large conference room is divided into two parts. The smaller part inside is used for interviews. There is only one table and three chairs inside. The large department outside has a long conference table and a circle of chairs. , used for meetings or receiving guests.

Her entire office is interconnected, with a total of 5 doors. When you open the main door of the office, there is the door to her lounge on the left, and there is a door on the right leading to the interview room. In addition to the door leading to Qi Huan's office, the interview room also has One door leads to the conference room. In addition to one door leading to the interview room, the conference room also has another door that leads directly out of the conference room.

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