Chapter 62 Surprise

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Looking , to who asked the question .. I , was hoping to get this for my cub! " I'm , sorry we just bought it for my mother!" Where is she? " On , her way here!" There , is another hut down river female !

I , want this one! " Let's , get furs on the beds!" ... Female, I want this place! " I , understand that but my mother wanted to be close so , my mates got this one!"

I , will give you two moon stones! "Listen , I appreciate the offer but no!" Female, I am clan beauty of Black wood village! " I'm , happy for you! That , hut is also close to the river!" So give me this one!

" Why , do you want this one so bad?" Shuu stops coming to my side.... There , is a strong female I want my cub to court! " Okay , well I live there my niece, her , dad mother ,and mates live there. Which ,of us was he interested in?"

She , rolled her eyes and went on down river. " Well , that could have gone a little better... But , definitely an improvement on , prior experiences with females here!

Vincent kissed my neck.. Mmm , our beauty has a way of warming hearts!  I kissed him... " My heart is warmed by all of you! And , I appreciate you considering my feelings you know since .. that happened!"  They , each look at me hungrily yet longingly... We love you! Tanner said.

" I love you all too!" We , finished freshening the hut up.  I , picked some flowers and made a wreath with vines.  I , used a  loose piece of bamboo chunk " Make , a small hole through here!"

Blaze did " Now, hold this still!" And , I used his claw to write "Welcome Home"... "I , need a hair to tie this with!" I , tied it to the wreath hanging it on the door.

We , went back to our hut ... " The ,  cubs are hungry! Have , some water boys!" My , snake cubs flick their tounges drinking .. I , gave a few bowls to my other cubs giving them all pets. Momma! " Yes Clay?"  He , hugged my leg so I sat and snuggled him in his orc form.

A strong whipping wind lands outside so I carried Clay  "Momma!"
Jeremy ran over ... Aunt Jessica! Kaci " Girls ,it's so good to see you!"
Who's that? " This is Clay ,one of my babies ! Your cousin!" 

The cubs met them " Momma say ah!"  Ahh! I put a moon stone in.
I , introduced her to everyone in person... We , missed you sister! " I missed you all ! We , have a surprise but , first stay awhile and we can cook!"

All , cubs are fascinated with their cousins . Jax , spoke to Momma asking if she had any injuries ... What's going on ? She turned her hands , and felt her face " The moon stone restores you and extends your life!"

Thank you baby! " Thank , my mates since they got them!" Get in line boys! And , I mean the grown ones! I , laughed the looks on their faces getting a hug , from momma was comical like really? Did ,a female not my mate hug me?

I , think we broke them Jessica! I giggled again " There , not used to any female not their mother, or mate to give them a hug!" Well , we have got to change that!  " I agree !"

I , went to the garden where the ram is " Pick , some vegetables for a stew!" My momma was quite surprised at how big the beast forms... Later , that evening after we ate ... Whoo I'm stuffed! Cody burped " Ready for your surprise?" They stood and Tanner lifted me .. Sister, you got free taxi service!

" Yeap! Tanner is from the horse clan!" Oh ! So , you're a centaur man? Dakota asked.. " They , don't know the stories  from our world but... he's , palomino with shein like akel teke horse!"

We stopped in front " Surprise!" They ,went inside looking around... It's , great and close to you all! ... We live right over there Granny! Montana hugged her  " When , they go on hunts hang out with us and.. when , you need to go use their outhouse until we get yours finished!"

I'm , just happy I can see you all again!  We , set a small fire under the  cooking pot... To keep you warm tonight female! Curtis said..
Just call me Deb!

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