Chapter 35 Birth and a visit!

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So , over the next  couple  weeks we got the vaginal detox herbs ,  and tied them in leaves with vine.
It , was still cold but the beginning of spring could , be heard again regular beast birds chirped while  making nests.

I , put on the feathered cape Blaze made for me and go for  a walk around I went to the creek  and my " Dylan , how are you  this morning?"  Great , now that I can taste your  lips! He ,mused with  a smile. He , tossed a few big fish out.

He , dried  his fins and stood on his feet  kissing me gently. We walked  around the field and back up Winston , caught  a regular beast  leopard , Benny got a deer, and  some sweet sauce.
Blaze , got some kind of blue furred creature , and berries  Tolliver, and  Parker  used some bamboo whittling holes to , channel water to our garden. We , move them in the evening.

For the last while I had occupied  my time making little jars! I ,plan to make jelly to sell at the spring gala! I walked around  and  started to hurt " I need to pee!" As , I start that way water  gushed ... " My water broke!" Harvey , carried me to bed boiling water and getting  clean  hides .

My loves came  in to comfort me..
My , contractions came closer together Tolliver  wipes the cold sweat off my face when another  came and I cried ... Jessica , let us check! Your ready to  push ! Benny  , and  Sa hold my hands  as I pushed I sat up pulling against my strong men .. He's out Sa! Tolliver, dried him and Sa held him proudly.

I had a short rest then pushed again the second to come out  was Benny's cub  , the third one was Jax's cub  .. Harvey , helped  me get the after birth out.
I , kissed each of the cubs and fell asleep.

I, woke up after some time and  found  I ,had  been  bathed and  they had made panties with  a pad sewn , in the lining that could  be washed.

" Ooh my breasts hurt! Are , the cubs hungry?" They , brought them to me so I , untied my top.
Massaging my breasts they began to pour milk. The first to latch on is my little cub with Sa , then Benny  helped  me get our cub on the other  breast.

Jax , sat behind me so I propped on him... We , have good news  this morning! "What is it?" You , got an invitation to the grand ceremony ,where they honor  Beast God before the gala!

" Wow , that's awesome! So ,what does he like for  tribute?" Food , or things you  make! " Let's , make a special  soap and carve a pretty  design on a come for beast goddess! Wouldn't , he like to  gift her with it?" Yes! They nod " I , will get some pearls ,and meats , and let's make a pretty fan of feathers for her!"

They , got busy with that while I , nurse our cubs and  cuddle them.

The , next week was boring  I felt cooped up but with  the moonstone they gave me I , was mostly  healed so..
I , changed my panties putting the cubs in the basket I walk outside  with  a hide over them their  little  noses out... " Mmm ,the  smell of fresh blooming flowers ,  and wet dirt!"

What , are you doing go back  and rest! You'll  catch a cold! " Parker,  please  let me sit out here a , little while  fresh  air is good for us too!" He started to pout but instead he put a hide down  and wrapped  me in a cloak.

About that time  Ka , Blaze ,Tolliver  , Benny , and Dylan brought I'm their  catch  we actually  got a few fresh fruits,  and  berries... They  cooked  breakfast  while I cuddle , the cubs the started to nuzzle  so I just cover with  the cloak , and  nurse them.

I sat there singing  " Drift Away " the , cubs make little milk bubbles as they nurse. After , a bit they all nursed and I pat their backs. "They ,opened their  eyes ! Come ,  and see!" My Panda cub had hazel eyes like me, my wolf cub has bi color eyes , one gold ,and one blue. My winged  tiger cub is also bicolor eyed but his are one red , and  one gold. My , fox cub had two turquoise colored eyes . "Your , all so cute!"  They ,fell asleep in my lap... Jax! .. Mother! I smiled " This is a surprise visit!"

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