Chapter 11 Battle in Beast City

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An , older merman who seems to have seen quite a few years , with his prey hair " Well , Princess Qin didn't like being cooped up in the nest so... one , day a snake named Curtis helped her escape upon her request!"

"She , tried to seduce him but he didn't like her then , she ended up with the Ape king as mate! She , wasn't happy or satisfied used to a thousand males g, iving her precious emeralds and gifts !"

"He , wasn't triple marked so he feared power, and never allowed her out so later in the story he wanted to kill off Bai QingQing who has two tetra marked mates one of which was Winston the tiger Kings brother!"

"So , he turned the beasts against Bai claiming she upset the balance of nature and tried to have her killed but they escaped and later there was a disaster that destroyed the city so .. Qin , ended up back with king Jin ,who she had left for ten long years , he thought she was captured but nope! " Then , sadly she used the king , and clans love for her to wage war against QingQing because she has Curtis! Most , of the mer clan died Jin killed Qin  then himself!"

Young , one you have truth in you! " It's , written in stories see beastmen are not real on Earth , or at least not out in the  open! If , I told my brothers today I , knew you they would think I , had lost all my good sense , or making it up!"

He chuckled... Travellers , are talked about and rarely seen , so you are an oddity to us! I giggled " So , we should help each other then huh!" He smiled..

" Can , I offer a bit of medical knowledge from , my world in regards to mates?" They , look at me curiously... Yes! The old guy listening intently.. " Well , we have veterinarians , or healers for regular beasts! Now , I know you're beastmen but , you all have the beast aspect so basically.. if , you mate someone to close in your family tree like brother,to sister or uncle to niece and so on it can cause health problems like fertility! It's , that way for humans too! It , needs to be at least a third , or fourth cousin further down , the tree or someone not related!"

" I , could try to explain science , and chromosomes but , I don't think you'd understand it!"  I , thought they would be aggravated but no. We , will try to remember that!  " Will , you all be staying in Beast City awhile?" Hm , until we have found our females and cubs!

And , then suddenly the scouts from the air Phoenix , hawks ,crows they all caw , a screech " Blaze , what are they saying?" We're , being attacked! " Amelia , come inside with me! You too ! "  I , say tapping the old man's shoulders.   Inside , I check the window and it's covered " Lets , hid in the storage hole!" It's , under the furs so it won't be obvious.

We , got in the hole just in time. I , grabbed my bag that I arrived here with as we sat  I , heard there fighting I , began saying a prayer for my mates and , Amelia's family quietly dust falls in staying extra still I hear a high pitch shrill .

I , try to see out of the crack a female , and a male in black robe hides... Traveller female  , female , female we know you're here! Come , out and I will call off the attack! We , only want to talk!

We , just want you to mate one of our males!  If , you don't we will kill your males! I got my Taser .. I grabbed my chest feeling pain "Sa" ... " Stop , hurting them you bastard!" I , slip out not revealing the other two.

He , looks me over " You , have a lot of nerve taking things this far! Why ,not just talk to me without this fighting ! Are , you trying to make them drive me out?" He , looks at me taking off his hood.

Do , you not recognize me? " No , who are you?" He smirks.. You ,will after I put this stone on you!  " The hell you will!" He came over and I , didn't fight but I , hit his arm with my taser he yelled and I ran outside. Blaze , grabbed me in his talons and flew fast.

A Beastworld TravellerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin