Chapter 44 Disrespect

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I , explained who I am and some of the how like I did with the others... He blushed the Ape King and Qin came back in and I thought " Oh , she see's Curtis! " But then she looks at Dylan " WHAP" ... I stepped between them " Why , did you slap my mate?"

Hmph , all males of the mer clan are my , mates or mate to a mer female! I took a deep breath " Qin , you were recently brought back! You , were dead and besides it's not healthy to mate , too close to your relatives !"

I , don't care about you! He's mine!
" What , makes you think all mer males have to mate a mer female?"
I , took off my cloak and pulled down my top enough "See , we are mates! He , isn't going anywhere!"

I'll cut you! Azul , stepping in front of me ... You , are making a scene at my father's ceremony! Stop now!
She , swung at him hard I , quickly grab her hand " Have , you lost all good sense? Your , slapping my mate the cub of Beast God why?"

Beast God , growls shaking the whole temple... My , cub step back with your mate! ... Qin , I allowed you to stay here because I , didn't bring you back and thought to give you a chance to change! But , you attack my cub out of jealousy , and accused his mate of taking yours! Only , the male can choose the female it , is up to her to accept! This is the way of things!

Who , brought her back then? That thing upset the balance! Ape King , spat pointing at me. ... She , did not bring her or upset anything! I brought her here!

They , shut up and left the temple mad.. " I'm , sorry I shouldn't have stepped in!" No , I am proud you stand up for our cub , and the others! I smiled.

I see " Jeremy!" I waved and they all came together up front they all visited the question of how I knew Montana , came up you know because , Parker's cubs with a Bai , and Curtis cub mated her " She's my niece! Her , father is my younger brother!"

I rubbed her belly " Your getting big girl!" I rubbed her belly... Aunt J ess my baby! " I know baby! Have , you been having fun with your daddies?" We , h unt with Paw paw! " That , sounds like fun baby listen good , when you go okay!" He kissed my cheek and , ran over giving hugs to all my mates but then...

He , hugged Azul's mother reaching for beast God ,who gave him a big hug. My ,cubs ran up to play with Jeremiah. Then , the other beast cubs came over to play in the corner , of the temple while there families came in.

Later , that evening there was a huge feast I was glad because I think we're all HUNGRY. We , all went through getting meat and fruits sitting on furs , and began to enjoy the food " Lets eat together!" They looked at me " The , others can do what they want! Let's , enjoy the food together!"

The Beast God , and his mother sat with us they both smiled... You , don't make them wait! I , like that about you! " Thank you!" Call , me Luna! "Luna!" And call me Fang! "Fang!" I smiled.

I look around and... Hello again female! " Hello , King Jin! I , actually was gonna to , come talk to you tomorrow!" You were? " Yes !"

"Beast God , didn't bring Qin back that means she lost the mark like Bai did... Would you be mine?" He , looks at me ... Why , would you choose be aside from my being a past king?

" Because... Accept her offer! It , will stop trouble! Beast God spoke..
" I , know how things went for you before! And , I don't want war ! I , know deep down you aren't a bad male... just , a bit pushed into things that shouldn't have happened!"

What , shouldn't have happened?
I , looked into his eyes... " Qin , came back to you after ,abandoning your clan because she was bored! Then , became bitter because , she couldn't woo Curtis! I , know I can love you if you let me!"

He , leaned down and kissed me in the temple yard , so I returned it. Qin , is pissed and came running claws out but this time... she , fell at my feet her face slammed to the ground... Disrespect , is what you have given today! Beast God , said lowly in a stern tone.

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