Chapter 54 Family

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" Let's , list the differences between lust and love! Someone, who is in LUST generally wants what another has , or lacks the lifetime desire of commitment , it's just a sexual pleasure... On , the other hand mates should love each other the difference is it should be give , and take between the two ! I , know that's a foreign concept here in Beastworld , but on Earth if you had a male who didn't want , to move on and commit you struck gold!"

" So , firstly practice treating males the way you want to be treated!" She , burst out laughing... I , know you can't be her! "Azul , my love tell me does this feel good?" I , massage his shoulders... Mmm yes!

I stood sitting on Tolliver lap breaking off meat " Say ahh!" He , opened his mouth as I put it in.
Licking my fingers clean" Do , you like this? " Yes my pretty mate!"

" See , Damania stick to that and another thing don't depend on your looks only! Personality, and attitude help when it comes to attraction! Am I right Anna?" Yeap , definitely me and Jeremy joke like we're gonna whip each other but... he would never actually hurt me !
And he doesn't mind us working together!

" And , I know because the social norm here it is looked down on but , it shows your loves how much you appreciate there heart , and devotion!"

" And , after mating get a good hot bath with soap! It's , not healthy to leave all the excess seed because , the sperm only lives in your female part for , twenty four hours unless it takes root in your womb! And , lastly remember they have feelings so ... even, if you're smitten you cannot force them to love you!"

This , group of fox women laugh.... Our , fox clan can seduce any male! " Whatever you say! You , didn't really want any advice... Only to see what I have ! " Are , you sure you aren't a fox female? I have the best male for you!

I , raised an eyebrow " Now , why would you want to do that? What , is it you want from me?" She , looks at me square in the eyes ... Your, strongest male!

I laughed " You , must have gown some balls down there female! We , are mates! But , since you want a strong mate I , have a very important question be truthful!"

What is it? She growls... " How will you treat the males? See , because I'm , a mother and I would like to propose an , arrangement for future strong mates!"

We , would consider your ways in time! " Good , because I propose that my future cubs with Vincent, Curtis , and Sin to have a female of their choosing from your clan as their mate in the future after they are grown and gone through sufficient training with their Daddies! Also , my niece has strong mates and , all brothers are strong too so... perhaps , give their future cubs a chance because I , know feral males have inherited memories , I want all my cubs to be close but happy so I don't have to leave them !"

What , about your other mates? "They , are all strong of course if my cubs with them are , interested in one of your females of course I ,will want them happy but... I , want them to all have a choice and , not be forced! Do , we have an agreement of our families joining the cubs in the future?"

She smiled ... " One , more thing... Do , we have permission to visit your clan from time to time?"
Yes , and I like the arrangement!
I , nodded and they left...

Aunt Jess, what are inherited memories? He ,had a distressed look.. " It's okay Chris! What that is ,is they have intimate memories of their fathers with their mothers so.... their , fathers have to leave them alone to fend for themselves...
That's , why I arranged betrothals that way so , we don't have to do that! Just , when they get bigger they will be taught better but .... may , have to go stay with , their future mates some! Until , they are old enough to mate!"

Curtis, looked quickly pulling me into a hug.... That , is the first time a female ever considered doing this!
Then Parker smiled... I agree! Sa , smiled and nodded in understanding... " Are , any of you mad about this?" They all smiled ...
I , looked at my niece in tears ... Thank you for helping them! "That's , what family is for!"

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