Chapter 52 Yes

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I stood there hearings the words " I'm sorry" but I couldn't help but feel it isn't genuine.. I , look back at Winston who seems a bit , conflicted with facial expressions.

" Little Bai! I , will accept your apology but , I know you don't really mean it! So ,now that you know that I , didn't lie... Be  , genuine not two faced with me... I , know that you blame me for your grandma , not being  here with Winston because ... I , also have a stepfather , and  half siblings in a world  where only one mate , is the norm so don't think you  are the only one , who has heard the word NO!"

" So , to clarify my Daddy remarried , or mated another and , couldn't be where I wanted either!" I , said nothing else and walked back in the hut.

The , cubs came in to snuggle "Momma , is fine you can go play!" They , look at me with teary eyes.. "Momma , isn't mad at you!"
I , kissed there cheeks , and gave them pets.

I , sat there quietly in thoughts  while , loud crying filled the village hearing  him cry with Little  Bai , hurt my heart I thought " The , happiness  we had began to build , this girl was having her way!"

Then , my brother spoke up out there .... Winston , man you have got to get up and keep going forward! Do , you  love my sister?

No , he loves Grandma Bai! Little Bai  snapped.. Yes , I do love her!
... Well , I understand the hurt but.. the , way you  are carrying on with her it , is going to make her feel like you  don't!

Go away you! ... No , he is also mate or married to , my sister  which  makes us brothers sort of!

Little Bai , I did love your grandma Bai but I also love her!
Why? She is so mean!... Cub , she is not mean! She , didn't get angry when we cried for Bai QingQing! She , gave us love and , the opportunity to still be part of your lives too!

Do , you  think Grandma Bai would  have accepted other cubs?
They continue talking ... Parker ,  came inside... Jessica ,what happened? I , sighed and told the whole story. 

He , hugged me ... " What happened? Did , you all catch that female?" Hmm , but I only want  to talk  about us! " I'm listening Parker!" I ,saved  Bai but you  saved me! " Yes , but that doesn't mean you  .... I , stopped myself not wanting to say the words.

What? " Nothing it's okay!" He growls lowly... It does to me! " Do you love me?"  You are my mate ! Of course I love you! "What ,do you love  about me?"

You , are beautiful Bai was too but you have you're own , you are kind , brave and always trying to improve our lives!  What , do you love about me? " You , are strong willed a bit arrogant at times , but your devotion to family is admirable , you are very sweet when it counts , and  even when I said things that hurt you , thought about everything before overreacting that is a good thing!"

Winston , came in and looked at Parker who got up and walked out... I , am sorry for what Little Bai did! " You , didn't do it but this conversation needed to happen!"

" I , know you don't want to speak up and hurt  their feelings because, you weren't here for a long time  but...  if , you don't  speak up they won't respect your decision!"

This , isn't what I decided! This is what I want! " What , do you mean  Winston?" ... At , first I wanted you because,you knew and loved me without me knowing... I , felt hurt at the way things ended with  Bai , but touched that I had another chance with  a mate! That , has never happened in Beastworld before!

I nodded... " But , will you  put me aside just to satisfy their wants? You , know all I did was at and complimented An'an on her beauty then... Little Bai had her way!"

No , I will hear you all but I would never ! " Winston,  you know I like the peacefulness here but.. if I have to be disrespected or , unheard the next time you can visit alone!" No , I won't allow it! Please , can I kiss you? Sitting ,  there feelings through the bond of  love , appreciation , and worry swirls within me. I thought "Does , he love me if he told Little Bai his feelings?" ..." Yes?"

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