Chapter 75

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"What's so important we need a family meeting?"Emmett asked as he walked into the sitting room where Bella, Rosalie and the rest of the Cullens were sitting with a redhead he had never seen before."I'm only halfway through looking through all the peep show machines."

"Emmett!" Esme yelled." You shouldn't be looking at those. I raised you better than that."

"Wait why are you yelling at me? Shouldn't you be scolding Bella for owning them. There has to be over fifty of the things in the arcade room." Emmett said causing everyone to look at Bella.

"They were gifts from my great great great grandmother Aileen to her husband my great great great grandfather Bernard."Bella told them.

"Why did your grandma give her husband porn?" Emmett asked earning a slap to the back of the head by Rosalie." What? That's what it is. Old fashion porn."

"It was actually a symbol of their devotion to one another." Bella continued before the questions started. "Bernard was out with his friends one night and had come home earlier than Aileen expected him to. When she asked him why the night ended so early he had told her that the other men were going to a burlesque show. Aileen wasn't a woman who was easily scandalized so she didn't see the problem with him going. Aileen told Bernard she didn't mind if he went as long as he only looked but didn't touch. Bernard told her that even with her permission he wouldn't want to go because the only woman he ever wanted to look at was her."

"Aww that so sweet but what do the machines have to do with them?" Alice asked.

"Aileen gave Bernard the first machine as her way of telling him she supported his interested in looking at other women. She was progressive like that. Well Bernard threw a fit. Telling her he would never put a nickel into a machine that had anyone else's picture but hers. So she had a photographer friend take some risqué photos of herself and had another machine made with just her photos in it." She held up a hand stopping Emmett's question "No you may not see that machine it is locked up in the secure archives."

"Oh come on. I bet your granny was wicked hot." Emmett grumbled.

"Anyway after that she bought a new machine for every anniversary to as she said offer him a little variety. But I was told that the only machine he ever put a nickel into was the one with Aileen's pictures in it." Bella told them.

"Oh my god. Even your ancestors are romantic." Alice glared at Jasper." You were alive during the same time period. Why aren't you more romantic? You've never bought me a peep show machine!"

"You want me to buy you porn?" Jasper asked confused.

Before Alice could go off on Jasper Carlisle interrupted. "Thank you for that story Bella but how about we get back to the matter at hand. Victoria you said you had information about my son Edward?"

"If it is ok with the white tiger I will share with you what I know." Victoria said looking to Bella.

Bella nodded. "Go ahead and please refer to me as Bella."

"Thank you Bella. My sire James, myself and a man named Laurent are nomads. While we were traveling through Oregon we came upon a vampire who told us his name was Edward and he was looking for help. He then explained that he had found a tiger shifter that was more powerful than a dozen vampires combined. When James asked him what he needed help with he told us that if we eliminated her mate then we could have control over the tiger and with it we would be more powerful than the Volturi."

Rosalie growled. "He thinks he can kill me and take my mate."

"I think the main thing we need to focus on is he seems to want to overthrow the Volturi." Carlisle said already thinking through the many ramifications Edwards actions could have on the family.

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