Chapter 56: Youre pregnant!

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Sana pov

"Geez. How do I tell him!" I screamed to myself. I landed onto the bed, Bringing up a positive pregnancy test in front of me. I've been recently throwing up and having these nasty headaches recently. Which made me believe that I was pregnant.

It's been 2 months since Y/N proposed to me. And the wedding is planned for September which is in 4 months from now. I really don't want to tell Y/N yet because..well I'm scared what he'll think. He's been living for 400 years and now that we're finally getting married, is a baby too soon for him? Too soon for us?

I sighed. And placed the pregnancy test beside me. I've known I was pregnant for 2 weeks now. And I've kept this a secret this whole time.

Y/N is at work right now. So maybe I could talk to someone. Tzuyu? She's married already. Momo? She's the same age as Y/N so she might know something. Maybe both?

I picked up my phone and dialed our group. Tzuyu, Mina, Momo and Jihyo, and called them over to my house.

"OH MY GOD!" They all screamed and shrieked as I told them the news. My friends group hugged me and started jumping around in a circle. Squishing me in the middle.

"This is amazing Sana!" Mina yelled, once they broke that hug. I gave a smile, and nodded. But clearly they knew something else was on my mind.

"Y/N doesn't know does he?" Jihyo asked. I nudged my head up and down.

"Do you think he'd be happy?" I stared at my friends expectingly. Hoping to see reassurance. But instead they gave me looks of unsureness. Which I expected. Since the only person that knows how Y/N will respond is..well. Y/N.

"You don't think this is a bit rushed? He's been living for so long. Maybe he just wants to live a husband and wife life for a few years before a baby" I pointed out.

"But maybe it's because he's been living for so long that he wants a baby with you right away?" Mina proposed. I turned to Jihyo and Momo..

"Jihyo, Momo? What do you think? Jihyo, You've know him the longest...and Momo, you're the oldest so you might know what he wants"

Momo answered first while Jihyo waited patiently formulating an answer

"Well...if I were him...I would want a baby with you no matter what. Even now... all I want to do is get married as quickly as possible. I've been waiting for centuries. Maybe Y/N feels the same way for having a baby?"

Momo's words lightened me up. But I knew Jihyo knew him the longest. So her answer might be a little different.

"Y/N....he's someone who really likes to plan...know what to do. He likes knowing what to expect , and having a plan before doing it."

As I expected, what Jihyo said really was true.

"But...that doesn't apply to everything in his life" She added

"Yea!" Tzuyu patted my shoulder "I mean. If you put what Momo and Jihyo said together...then maybe he already planned on having a baby with his soulmate?"

My friends really made me feel better about this whole situation. Now...I really feel like I have the confidence to tell him. I'm really hoping he accepts this baby...or else..I really don't know what I'm going to do.

"You're guys are right. Thanks girls. I really needed this chat"

Y/n pov

"I'm home!" I called as I heard Sana making dinner. I went to where she was and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Y/N..." She said, her voice monotone.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, concern in my eyes. Her expressions and voice is different from how she usually acts.

" mind if we chat in our room for a bit?" She suddenly turned towards the direction of our room. Shit. Does she want to break up with me?

I followed her. She motioned me to sit down on the bed while she went to the washroom to grab something. I waited in anticipation at what could possibly be this serious.

Sana came out suddenly holding a small device. Although, I couldn't tell what it was as most of her hand was covering it.

"Y/N...can you promise me that you won't be angry?" Sana asked. I nodded. She took a sigh and gave me the small thingy. I took it and read what it said. My eyes widened and my heart almost skipped a beat.

"You're pregnant!" I shrieked. Sana nodded, her eyes diverting away from mine.

"Look..I understand that if you do-"

"THIS IS AMAZING SANA!" I cried and ran into her arms. I felt tears form in my eyes. This is really all I've wanted for my entire life. My wish of finally being able to have family is coming true.

"You're not mad?" Sana questioned as she pulled away from me. I gave her a confused look.

"Mad? Why would I be mad? I'm going to be a dad!"

" don't think this is a bit rushed?" Sana's voice sounded uneasy. Maybe I was a little to ahead of myself about finding out she was pregnant.

"No...this is exactly want I've wanted for my whole life! Having a baby with my soon to be soulmate! think this is too fast"

"No!" Sana screamed with a smile. Then jumped back into a hug. "This is what I want too. I was just afraid that you wouldn't want it"

What Sana said made me serious up a little bit. I grabbed her shoulders and forced her back a little so our eyes were aligned with each other.

"I'll never abandon you you know? Even if something big like this happens. Don't hesitate to tell me alright?"

Sana nodded. I pecked her lips and smiled.
"Good. Now I have two things to look forward to."

"Seeing the birth of our baby"

"And getting married with you"

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