Chapter 10: The K.I.A

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"Y/N" I heard a gentle voice call. My eyes slowly opened as I looked around. A beautiful woman was standing beside me and looked over me. Her eyes were navy blue, like the colour of a dark ocean at night. Her hair was a bright purple with a purple- whitish flower working as a pin and her skin was glowing. She took her hand and carefully caressed my face.

"You don't want to see her again" she advised,

I stared at the woman confusingly.
"Who?" I asked, but she remained quiet and now grabbed my hand and massaged it.

"Jennie?" I asked, but as she heard that name, she pressed my hand with more force and made a slight smile that you wouldn't notice unless you payed super attention to detail.

"Sana?" When I said her name, I noticed that her skin, eyes and hair started to fade more.

"Who?" I tried to ask, but she ignored me.

"One will break you're heart. One will heal it. Choose the right one, and you'll give yourself heartbreak"

Suddenly, I woke up in my room. Sweat crippling down my forehead. I took a moment to breathe and I just laid down and stared at the ceiling. I recalled and analyzed the dream.

That didn't feel like Cupid, why did she say "Choose the RIGHT one, and you'll give yourself heartbreak. " Doesn't that mean Its as if I want to be heart broken?Besides Cupid is a guy right? If I think this is who I think it's. Then isn't the person I just talked to Anti-Cupid? (Btw, Anti-Cupid is like....Satan? Sorry i know there is multiple religions but I researched that in your world, Christianity is the most popular. Anyways,She's the opposite of Cupid, and wants people to get heartbroken. She also sends dreams, but it's really rare, more rare than seeing Cupid. )

I wrote down my dream on the notes. I wrote one for if the guy was Cupid, then this is what I conclude.

- Colour faded when I said Sana
- Smiled when I mentioned Jennie
- So, Jennie is my soulmate

This is the note if the girl was anti-Cupid

- Colour faded when I said Sana so I won't get heart break if I choose her
- Smiled when I mentioned Jennie so I will get heartbreak
- So, choose Sana. If I choose Jennie than I'll get heartbroken.

That was kind of useless. But I'm leaning to her being anti Cupid by what she said in the last sentence. Aish,I shouldn't focus on this right now. I dont even know why I said Sana's name in the dream. It was just blurted out of me.

I went to my phone and a news video popped up on my notifications. I clicked it, and watched the video.

"Yesterday, at about 7:30 pm, 3 men were seen defending a woman from harassment when suddenly one was held at gun point. That's when adult actor Minatozaki Sana came in, and hit the attacker and saving the man, people are calling her "the hero" after the bravery she has displayed. Oh, looks like we just got a video from the scene. We'll show that up right now."

It showed me on the ground, then Jimin and Jungkook working in a team fighting the 3 people in synch. When we took them down, I got held at gun point and you know the rest. I turned off my phone. Our faces were blurred at least. But I hate that our fighting style could be seen. Damnit. They're going to find us. They're going to know that it was us.

I was about to get up and run to Jimin and Jungkook but


Someone  knocked on my door.

Shit. What do I do.

I went to the door and looked through the peep hole. But I didn't see anyone. Suddenly I felt my hair inch up from my the back of my neck. I sighed. I knew there was someone behind me.

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