Chapter 19: Preperation

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After visiting Jimin's, I drove back to Sana's place to give her a thank you gift for taking care of me for the day. (Even though she wasn't there)I bought chocolates for her, something simple.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response, chocolate in my hand. I remembered how I saw her with that dude earlier today, I wonder if i should ask her about it. Ah, no, that will be weird.

I heard the door open, and I saw Sana step up wearing pajamas like she just got up from bed. Her hair was messy, and her eyelids were drooping. But When she saw me, her eyes glowed up.

"Hey sexy, you staying with me today?"

, Now that im somewhat healed who knows what she'll do to me. She might lock me up and start throwing her bras at me all day. Thats a nightmare ill never get over.
I stared down at my box of chocolates, then put my hand out. She made a surprised face then accepted my gift.

"Thanks for letting me stay at your place" I muttered, she smiled at my present, then nodded.

"No problem.. so are you staying with me today or not?" She asked me, I shook my head and she looked a little disappointed but kept a bright face.

"I have to prepare...for tommorow" I said, I told her what happened when she got knocked out, about the mission, the breakers, pretty much everything yesterday at dinner.

she nodded slowly and puffed up her cheeks which made her look like a bunny. I got caught by surprise when she stared ar me seductively with those piercing brown eyes, then blowed an air kiss to me.

"Suppose you dont want to have fun with me before you die?" She winked at me, I chuckled at seeing her naughty side again and decided to play along. I dont know why, but seeing her with another guy makes me want should I put it...jealous? No, stop it, Im glad that I have Jennie and I really think shes my soulmate, but im not sure if im happy or sad that Sana is back to her seductive self right now.

I pushed her into her apartment, purposely avoiding her beast and only touching her shoulder, and sat her down onto a bench. I leaned onto the wall behind her by putting my hand on it, making me leaning over her face. I smirked.

"Dont push your luck. Or else Jennie would get mad" I whispered

She made a kiss form with her lips and smooched it at me. Then tilted her head.
"I create my own luck" She purred in a seductive tone. Her cat like voice sent me a jolt into my brain, making me push off from the wall and stand there. She bit and licked her lips while looking up at me, her hands were on top of her knee and her back was curved up making me look down at her.  I scratched my head and forced myself to look away. Shes very good at seducing people. We stayed in silence for a bit. She shifted her body from pose to pose as if  looking at herself in the mirror.

"Anyways..." I started,then glanced back at her "thanks again...for taking care of me" When I said that, her whole expression changed to sad, she unbuckled her arms and hands from her knees and suddenly got up and hugged me.

"Dont die" She ordered, I nodded. I closed my eyes and accepted her warmth. At that moment, I remembered the time when we almost died. The time we embraced each other when Sana was crying because of that moment. I cant see that happen again. Not for the third time. She doesn't deserve to be facing that type of danger. I opened my eyes when I felt her pull away from the hug. I gazed into her eyes firmly without blinking.

"Dont worry Sana, ill be back in great shape"


At night time, I checked my wound again. It was better now. Namjoon picked up a healing injector that speeds up your healing process this afternoon and brung it to me. It seemed like it was working. He gave me a few extras just in case. Anyways, I grabbed my friends over to my house to plan things out. We sat it my...lets say, secret door room behind a painting. In there, was my arsenal full of weapons such as guns, swords, and armor all plastered onto the walls. Tool desks and gear were leaning against the borders of the room, while in the middle had a holographic table that showed the layout of the place we were going to destroy.

I leaned onto the holographic table, while Jimin took a sip of his coffee, and Jungkook wiped away dust bunnies from the desk.

"Alright, here's what were gonna do" I swiped my hand to the back of the building, I pinched into a man hole located there.

"This is how we get into the area" I then showed them that we would climb onto the roof and use our machines to carefully cut out a piece of glass big enough for us to enter. They both nodded in understanding.

"Then, over here" I pinched inside of the building, then into a storage room. The storage room was in a corner of the buliding. It had highly flammable object such as oil, gas, paper, etc.

"This is where we will place a bomb. Once done, we leave the same way we came in, and once were far away BOOM. Mission accomplished" I said as if it were to be that easy. But obviously not. Guards would be patrolling the area, so thats where Jungkook would come in, the sneak artist. He'd kill people in my path silently so I could make it to the room. And, again, obviously theres gonna be a bunch of cameras. So Jimin will be coming along with me, disabling any tech that would cross our paths.

"Anyways guys, if one of us gets captured. I'd abandon the mission if it means all 3 of us live" I commented, I put my fist out for a group fist bump.

"Us too bro" Jimin joined in. Jungkook smirked and we all fist bumped.

"Alright guys. Lets go" We gathered our gear, such as our technology and armor And put them on. I put the bomb in my bag, and the detonator for it handy in my left pocket. From there, we made our way to the van, where we drove off to our deadly mission.

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