Chapter 15: Plan

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When Jungkook and Jimin got here. Sana separated from me and unlocked the door so they can come in. When they saw me wounded on the bed, worried faces were given to me as they asked what happened. I explained everything beginning with Namjoon and Jihyo appearance, and finishing with the fight that just happened.

"He...also said he found us using inside intel" I mentioned, Jungkook and Jimin glared at each other. I knew what they were thinking,

"It's not Jennie" I said, the two sighed while Sana just looked at us curiously.

"You cant be sure" Jimin muttered

"She accepted to be my girlfriend" I confessed, everyone gave me looks of shock.

"How do you know if that's what they want? For Jennie to-"

"We fucked okay?"

Sana's mouth hung wide open, I can feel the jealousy steam out of her.

Jungkook sighed
"Alright Y/N, then who do you propose is the spy?"

I shifted uncomfortably before answering the question.
"Namjoon and Jihyo"

Jimin and Jungkook shook their heads in frustration.
"Come on man, you can't be serious" Jungkook complained

"They would never betray the K.I.A" Jimin added, I knew why they didn't believe me. Namjoon and Jihyo were so loyal to the organization, they would never do it. One time Jihyo almost killed her past boyfriend just because he was a suspect for working as a double agent in the K.I.A. Thats a story for another time.

I reached my arm onto my left shoulder and picked out a small device from my skin, a tracker
"I found this today. Namjoon put it on me when he touched my shoulder"

They stared at the thing in shock. Jimin inspected the small little device while we watched him.
"I might be able to trace the connection back to its receiver" He commented "But I need a bit, it's been awhile you know"

We all  gave a little smile, except for Sana because she had no clue what we were saying. But let's just say, when we were in the K.I.A, I was the leader/ guy who does all the hard stuff, Jimin was the tech/fighter, and Jungkook was the fighter/sneak artist.

"Alright. But until then.." I tried getting up but forgot I had a hole in my stomach. So I asked Sana if she could reach into my bag and get things that looked like phones. Once she grabbed them, she passed them to me.

"Everyone should keep one of these" I said, and threw one to each of them.

"What are they?" Sana asked, inspecting the device. It looked like a walky talky, but had a screen in the top, and two red buttons. One for distress emergency, the other for call.

"Theyre trackers. Press the exclamation button it if you need help" Jimin said, Sana pressed the button as a test, then all of our devices made a loud alarm sound and started to vibrate around our hands. Sana was in awe at the device and happily stored it into her purse.

Jungkook put the tracker in his pockets.
"Well anyways, what do we do n-?"

Suddenly, I saw a shadow move from behind Sana who was leaning against the wall to the hallway. Jimin, Jungkook and I pulled our guns out and aimed it at Sana. Sana jumped back in shock and opened her mouth to speak, when a tranquilizer got stabbed into her neck. Sana slowly started to lose consciousness as she fell down but was caught by the mysterious person's arm. All 3 of us tensed up. I couldnt see the person from my angle, but when Jungkook and Jimin served around the bed to take a better look, they lowered their guns. The person stepped into my line of vision, but I didnt move my gun away.

"Namjoon..."Jungkook amd Jimin whispered, then Jihyo came in from behind.

"Dont move!" I ordered from my bed, and aimed my weapon at the two of them. Jihyo raised her hands in the air while Namjoon couldnt as she was carrying Sana.

"Y/N" Namjoon started, he wasnt looking at me, I was staring at his side profile. "The tracker was there so we can protect you"

"Bullshit." I accused "You didnt come when we were attacked"

"We wanted to know youre location at all times Y/N. Were here to protect you" Jihyo said, sincerity can be heard in her voice. I lowered my gun down, but kept a firm grip on it. Im not trusting them just yet.

Once the gun wasnt pointed at them anymore, Namjoon layed the sleeping Sana on the bed beside me. Then he turned his attention to my friends.

"Jimin and Jungkook" He said "Been awhile since you left"

Both of them nodded sourly. I bet they resented the sight of Namjoon, yet enjoyed it at the same time. We left thinking we wouldnt see them again, that we wouldnt be in this job again. So I understand why they are mad. But at the same time, we were friends before.

"But now that you're here, and I'm assuming Y/N filled you guys in on what's going on...let's discuss what we'll do next"

He threw another hologram in the middle of the room which revealed eunwoo's face. Jimin and Jungkook flinched at the sight of the man.

"Eunwoo wants to kill every single member of the K.I.A" Jihyo said "In order for us to counter, we need to destroy them...and to do that. We need to take down 3 of their headquarters "

The hologram then zoomed out into a map showing 2 bases located on the east side and west side of Seoul. The east one was labeled A, while west one was labeled  B.

"We don't know where the 3rd base is, aka their main headquarters. But right now our plan is to take down  base A"

Namjoon pressed a button and then a closer view of base A can be seen. It looked like it was in an abandoned warehouse. The main door was facing a highway, with a garage door beside that, and a back door on the other side. There were only about 4 windows, but the roof has a glass window ceiling.

"This is where you guys come in" Namjoon explained "Your mission, is to kill everyone in this headquarters, and find out where the main base is."

We all stood in silence. As if I wanted to accept a mission after they just barged into Sana's home.

"You expect us to accept-" I was about to complain but Namjoon cut me off.

"Look. I know you don't trust us. But right now we're you're best shot. You've seen what Eunwoos already done. He's serious about wanting us dead"

"Then why aren't you two coming with us?"

"They know mine and Namjoons locations. They've been chasing us for so long that they have a ping on our locations at all times. Right now we managed to disable it for a moment. But if we go on the mission then we would be caught right away" Jihyo explained.

Jungkook and Jimin didn't say anything and instead gave glances at me for an answer. I honestly didn't  know if I wanted to accept it. But they're right. I don't want to risk my friends getting hurt, and the best possible way to do that is to team up with them.

I sighed,
"Alright, I accept."

Jimin and Jungkook gave me wide eyes glares, but then stared into the distance.

"I accept aswell" Jungkook announced

"Me too"Jimin said

Namjoon and Jihyo smiled, and nodded. They gave gold K.I.A badges to us all and we put them in our pockets.
"Alright" said Namjoon "Your mission begins in two days. Sorry Y/N I know your banged up, but time isnt on our side here."

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