Chapter 39: "Join BTS"

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"My name is Suga" The man said. We were still standing outside the house. Only thing different was that Sana was behind me. My gun was still pointed to him.

"I'm the leader of BTS" My eyes widened as I heard that name. I lowered my gun down to my thighs, but still kept it handy. Sana looked at me curiously.

"You know what he's talking about?" Sana whispered at me. I nodded.

"BTS. Stands for 'behind the scenes'. They're an agency similar to the K.I.A. Only difference is...that they don't exactly do things the same way we do"

"That's right..." Suga reaffirmed, "You pussies don't have the guts to leave someone behind"

"Saving a life is more important"

"Losing One life is better than losing millions" Suga hissed, but calmed himself.

"Anyways, I know what happened to the K.I.A. I know you guys aren't dead" He said "I also know about that Eunwoo bitch hunting you guys down"

"That's why I'm making you an offer"

"Join BTS"

I instantly shook my head
"Why would I join you"

"You guys will die eventually. None of you guys would be able to take down all of them. Not with just the 3 of you at least"

I took that in consideration. He's wrong. We did it before. We can do it again.

"I know what you're thinking 'We took down base A and B. Surely we'd be able to take down the last base' "

But he shook his head.

"You're wrong. Besides. You guys don't even know where they are. IM the only one who knows"

I flinched from his statement. I started to put the gun in my pocket. I couldnt kill him even if I wanted to. If he's telling the truth, then his life is more valuable than mine right now.

Sana looked at me.
"Y/N. what will you do?"

My eyes were plastered onto the ground. My hand rested on the top of my chin like what typical people do when they're deep in thought.

"You'd be safer with us" Suga added "Sana. Mina. Tzuyu. Jihyo. All of them."

"We can do it ourselves. I am killing Eunwoo. No one else" I affirmed.

Suga shrugged his shoulders
"Your choice Y/N. Im only doing this because I have pity for you guys. I don't really care if you join or not. Im just saying. If you guys want to live, then joining us is your best option"

I squinted my eyes. He's right. Having the back up of an agency is the best thing in the world right now.

But I don't want to join.

Because once we do.

I'm not sure if we can get out.

"I'll....think about it" I said, Suga gave an understanding nod. Sana gave me a look but remained quiet.

"Alright. I'll give you two days. Happy thinking Y/N"

After those closing remarks. An invisible car appeared out of nowhere. He hopped inside and zoomed away from the house. Once he left, Sana and I stood there awkwardly.

But she broke the silence.
"You're seriously going to join them?"

I stayed quiet. But gave a slight nod.

Sana shook her head and touched my shoulder.
"If you're not happy joining. Then..."

"No..." I cut her off "If it'll mean you and the others are safe then that's all that matters."

"For me. It's always for me." Sana said, she pointed her finger at my heart, I looked down at the contact we made. "What about you Y/N. What do you want?"

What about me?


The woman I love right in front of me. She's the only thing on my mind right now. She's who I want. I looked back into her eyes that were full of concern.


I suddenly got a call from my phone. I had stopped what I was saying embarrassingly. I was about to confess again. Why does something always stop me.

I pulled out my phone. It was Momo. I saw Sana walk back and forth, but she had her head up like she was trying to look over something. I took a sneak peek at her, and saw her staring at my phone.

"Hold on. I need to take this" I excused

"Who is it?" Sana asked, I was confused by her question because I swear I saw her look at the screen. Then it hit me. Is she testing me? Ha.

"Someone important"

"Important. More important than me?" Sana put her arms around me and leaned back.

"Yes" I lied, annoyed that her switch in personality happened again. Sana let go and gave me a frown. I answered the call and went inside.


"Hey. You called me before but it kept getting disconnected" Momo started "What's up?"

I took a sigh. I glared back at the doorway to make sure Sana wasn't near. But when I saw her come in, I went straight into my room.

"Hello! Are you there!"

"Yea sorry" I apologized "Umm yea. Can we talk. Like about HER. Please."


"Now. Yes. I don't have much time"

"Alright...this better be worth it" Momo muttered

I hung out with momo for a bit. We met at the same park. I was wearing sunglasses with a mask to cover my face as if I was a celebrity. Momo questioned my choice of appearance, but I said it was because I was sick.

"'re a woman right? Can you tell me if Sana still likes me or not?" I asked, her eyebrows lifted from my sudden weird question. But she rested her head back on the bench.

"Of course I'm a woman you dumbass" Momo had to say. I rolled my eyes. "But yeah...tell me about it"

"Well" I sighed and leaned forward "Sana's been chasing me for a long time. And now that I like her...there's another guy in the picture, who she's spending time with more than me. Each time I get the confidence to tell her...the guy was always there or it was just...I don't know. Didn't seem like the right time to tell her." I paused so I can regather myself to explain once more. Momo listened by my side intently.

"Anyways. Before she was really flirty with me when she liked me. So I'm trying to do the same. But she's not doing it back. Shes acting cold, acting cute. Then really sexy, then suddenly caring." I groaned in frustration "Damnit, why are woman so difficult"

Momo stayed quiet a bit. Before answering
"You said she never had a boyfriend before right?"

I nodded my head. She never said someone loved her before so I assumed she didn't have one.

"Maybe she's just trying to find out what you like? Sexy personality, aegyo..."

"I like her for who she is" 

"Well, go tell her that" Momo ordered, I looked up.

"You really think she likes me?"

"Trust me Y/N." She said

"The worst thing she could do is say no"

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