Chapter 33: The clock is ticking

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Jihyo picked me up from the wreckage. We drove back to Jimin's house, as I entered through the door, my face gloomed with the expression of disappointment. Jimin and Jungkook were present, and stared at me expectingly, but when they saw my face, and clearly no Namjoon by my side, they sighed.

"I'm sorry" I muttered, Jimin shook his head.

"I should've stopped them." He blamed it on himself, Mina suddenly came in from the kitchen. I wonder how she took it, she didn't know about our secret agent life.

"Anyways, we can't get hung up on who's fault it is" Jihyo started, she walked to the middle of the room "We need to get him back fast"

Jimin and Jungkook nodded, and went to grab their guns, but I stopped them.
"Jimin, your still too drunk to do this"

He stopped in his tracks and faced me.
"I'm fine Y/N" He went to his gun on the kitchen table, but tumbled onto the wall, Mina caught him. Jimin cursed in frustration.

"Jungkook, I don't think you should come either" I said,

"What! Why?" Jungkook complained,

"Your half drunk too, and if they're goal is to kill us, then at least if Jihyo and I get caught, you guys can live"

Jungkook didn't like the idea, nor Jimin. But after protesting a little, they finally agreed to my plan. So when the time came, Jimin gave us some extra gear he found in his home. He also gave us each a suit. We scanned it on ourselves, and put on our backpacks full of explosives, machines and weapons.

"Good luck guys" Jimin said, Jungkook and Jimin hugged both of us, while Mina stood behind giving us a nod.

I turned to Jihyo.

She gave me a nod.

"Alright, let's go"

We were parked across the road of base b. Siri tracked the location of that black van, and she said it was last found here. We observed the base, I leaned my arm out the window and put my head out. Jihyo had binoculars on. It wasnt anything like the base we destroyed. This one was bigger, it was an abandoned supermarket located in the middle of a highway. The sign was half gone, and rust and mold covered the whole building. Guards and patrols seemed to patrol the area.

"We have to get in before we do anything" Jihyo commented, I nodded, we stepped out of the car, and crouch walk towards the market. Our car and the base was located in front of some trees, so they make a great spot for hiding. We crept through the woods stealthy, my hand on my tranquilizer. We couldnt shoot our guns, or else it would alert the guards and increase the risk of them killing Namjoon. Jihyo then noticed about 10 guards blocking the back entrance. Unlike the other one, this place only had 3 entrances, the front, back, and the garage area. It wasn't likely to be able to go through the back, and the front is probably guarded heavily aswell, so our only opition was the garage.

We moved around to our targeted entry point, cars and trucks were importing boxes covered in blankets. Probably carrying weapons and other stuff. As I saw this, I turned to Jihyo, she gave me a nod. It seemed like we had the same plan. I laid my eyes on a unguarded loaded truck located a few metres away from trees we were hiding behind. Once the coast was clear, we quickly and quietly, rushed to the vehicle, and hopped under the blankets. Boxes of guns and weapons were sealed in them, we position ourselves so we didnt look abnormal, and waited for someone to drive us in.

About ten minutes went by when someone drove our truck inside. The moment I heard someone come in the vehicle, I almost flinched because they were about to check the boxes, but was stopped when someone else talked to him.

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