Chapter 35: Lucid Dream

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Uh not this thing again. Why does an ominous voice always call out to me.

I woke up in Jimin's bedroom.

"Y/N." Someone said again, it sounded like the voice was coming from the hall, so I got up and checked. It called again, this time from downstairs. As I walked down, I saw Sana sleeping on the couch, while Namjoon stood beside her, watching her sleep.

I came up beside him. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be surprised to see him standing. Considering He's supposed to be dead. But I just dismissed it and assumed it was a dream.

"Protect her Y/N" He muttered, he turned his attention towards me. "Protect all of them"

"I will. I am. Namjoon"

"Sana. She's special to you isn't she?"

I didn't say anything for a bit. Is she? I don't even know myself. But.....thinking of her really makes my heart flutter. I just want to see her safe, cared for. I...for the first time in my whole life, I had dreams. Hinting that who I'm looking for is Sana. Maybe...maybe I do like her.


Love her.

I love her.

"So what?" I Responded

Namjoon smiled. He swerved his hand over my shoulder and rested it there.
"Make her yours before it's too late."

Suddenly, I was outside. It was dark, and cold. It looked like we were infront of a house. But instead of a nice looking house, it was burning up in pieces. Covered up in flames. Namjoon was nowhere to be seen, so I took a few steps forward. I walked towards the fire aimlessly, not knowing what I was looking for. When I put my foot down for another step, I was surprised to not feel the solid surface of the ground. Instead, I stood over the lifeless body of Sana.

"Sana!" Dread went over me,

is she dead.

She's not dead. Right?

"Th-this can't be" I stuttered, "Sana!" I cried again, but she didn't move, she was covered in blood, ash around her face. Her eyes wide open with no emotion, and her was mouth frozen in place. My eyes started to water. I cried over he body.





My body sprung up, I was suddenly embraced by the warmth of a hug. Judging by the scent, I could tell it was Sana. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to slow down my breathing.

"Are you okay? You were yelling my name" She said, I looked at her with a affection, and nodded.

"I'm fine...just a nightmare" She gave a me a sympathetic look, a look you'd get from as if someone had just died. Oh friend did jut die.

"Care to talk about it?" Sana sat beside me, she interlocked her fingers together. My mind wondered into the depths of the dream. No, I couldn't just tell her what happened.

"I...just saw you...getting abducted by paparazzi...and I was just trying to call your name over the loud voices" I smiled, showing no hints that I was lying at all. But I wasnt sure if Sana believed me, as she didnt question me after that. She gave me a nod , and we rested in silence for a few moments.

"Wheres Jimin and Jungkook?" Everything that happened was just recalled to me.

"Theyre picking up Jihyo"

"What!" I shouted and jumped up from the bed "Is she done her surgery?"

Sana nodded
"You fell asleep for hours. You went to sleep at like 2. Its like 7 at night"

"Wow" I mumbled, didn't realize I was that exhausted. Well, I guess if you had just snuck inside an base filled with dozens of armed dudes, while also being exploded by a bomb, you'd probably feel exhausted.

All of a sudden, the door opened, Sana and I rushed to the entrance. Jimin and Jungkook were pushing Jihyo who was on a wheel chair.

"Hey Jihyo. Glad youre okay!" I happily exclaimed, I stepped closer and looked at her foot. It had a casting around it. But at least it was facing the right way. I had only just noticed that Jihyo's face was still expressionless. She didnt answer my comment about her being okay, and just asked Jimin to push her to a bedroom.

"Man, will she be alright?" I mumbled, Jungkook came behind me as we watched the two make their way to a bedroom.

"Don't know...she was like that since we first saw her" Jungkook commented, I took a long sigh.

"Maybe Namjoon wasnt just a friend to her" Sana said, we both glared at her. It could be a possibility. I mean, wherever I saw Namjoon, 99% of the time Jihyo was there aswell.

"Maybe, but let's not ask her about it" Jungkook said, "But about Eunwoo.."

Hearing his name made my blood boil. My hatred to kill this guy grew even more. He killed Jennie, made me believe she was alive, then killed Namjoon right in front of my eyes. How my urge to kill this mother fucker grew.

"He's alive. Along with Nayeon." I answered, "But the whole base is blown up. Meaning-"

"We can't find their main base" Jungkook finished, Jimin came out of a room, and slowly closed the door before joining and listening in to our conversation.

"If we can't find them, then they're going to attack us non stop, knowing we can't fight back" Jimin pointed out.

"I doubt it. Their troops are incredibly down. Even with just the 4 of us, they know we won't go down without a fight. Even then, a failed attack on us might risk their base getting found" I explained my thought process.

"Hmph" As stumped as Jungkook was, he couldn't help but have a face of determination. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to think of a plan, but he sighed when he gave up.

"So what are you guys gonna do?" Sana asked,

"We should stay in groups." I announced "Jimin, you take care of Jihyo, Jungkook could stay there aswell. Sana and I could stay stay together"

Sana looked kind of shocked with my statement, but remained quiet. Sure I was kind of saying this so I can spend alone time with her and protect her. But my goal is to diverse the group. And even if they have 3 K.I.A members, Jihyo is injured, and would be more of a liability for only Jimin to handle if they get attacked. For me, at least I don't have to push Sana out the door to run away if we needed.

"Alright then. I'm assuming we're not staying here right?" Jungkook commented. I shook my head.

"Here isn't safe" I pointed out the obvious. "But..remember those hideouts we made when we were doing that mission?"

Jimin and Jungkook nodded. Through out my life. I've hade many secret bases. One happens to be not far from here and very secure.

"Well good. Since That's where we're going"

Soulmate - Sana x Male Reader (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz