Chapter 21: Torture

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"Y/N!" A powerful, booming voice screamed at me. My eyes bursted wide open as I regained consciousness. A man's face was located right in front of mine. Almost instantly I recognized him

"Eunwoo" I muttered, Eunwoo smiled, and pulled himself away from my face.

"Good youre awake" He commented, I took in my surroundings, my hands and feet were tied to together, and I was kneeling down on my knees. I glanced to my right, and saw Jimin in the same position as me, his eyes wide awake. I turned to my left, but there was no sign of Jungkook. Dozens of Guards were surrounding us, and we were in front of that giant tv I saw earlier.

Our equipment was stripped away from us, I saw them resting on a table towards our left. They were now tiny scanners since you can scan them on yourself to put it on. The bomb was also there.

"You really thought you can take us down. With a bomb" Eunwoo hissed, "Listen. Ill make you wish you never tried"

He had his hands in his pockets. Then stepped behind to the tv and keyboards. He pressed a button, which showed a video, replaying of Jennie getting stabbed. Anger was steaming out of me, I tried to move, but I was stuck in place. My shriek when I yelled her name in the video kept replaying over and over again. the feelings I felt of seeing that scene. It sent another shiver of pain. Regardless if Jennie is alive still. That night gave me nightmares.

"Oh! That sound. Her scream! Hmm! Sounds so lovely!" Eunwoo mocked. He replayed that same motion that he did when he stabbed Jennie. And for a moment. I got a flashback to her bloody face lying dead on the ground. The fear, the tears. They were all in the past, but I was feeling them right now.

"Why! Why are you doing this! Why are you targeting us!" I wailed,

"The K.I.A took everything from me! They killed my parents! Because of what? They killed the wrong people!" He screamed "I never hated you guys. When I killed Jennie. It was because you guys attacked me after I stole and destroyed companies for money. But when your group killed them. Thats...thats when I wanted to kill you guys"

Eunwoo ran off as his voice became more quieter.

"But...enough from me now." Eunwoo smirked, then turned his attention to Jimin. "I didnt forget about you park Jimin." He turned around and typed something in, before pressing enter. A video showed up, he pressed play. I saw someone torturing a woman. I recognized her, it was Jimin's sister. She was hanging around a punching bag. Along with 7 people. Our family. Jimin was also there, but he was tied up in the middle of the room, facing everyone else. I remembered this, this was when we lost everything. Our family of 9, went down to a family of 3.

The man had a baseball bat and was hitting Jamie - Jimins sister, in the stomach. She coughed out blood. Jimin shouted curse words at him and tried to break free, but he couldn't do anything. Our other friends beside her were also tortured, and were too weak to do anything. Their heads hung low, with blood stains along their face. Some were already dead, and Jimin watched them die with his very own eyes. But the video was only focused on Jamie getting beat up, while Jimin had to watch her get tortured to death.

Suddenly, the video ended when gun shots could be heard. I assumed that was when me and Jungkook broke Jimin out...and failed to save the rest. I remembered when we got to Jimin, seeing all the dead members hanging lifelessly, the person who did this wasn't to be found when we arrived, but Jimin was crying tremendously, his body was like a rock,. we almost thought he had died until we heard him cry.

When the video ended, I glared at Jimin, who was trying to hold his tears back. He also tried to break free, but was restricted.

"Bastard!" Jimin screamed, at the very moment, we were getting tortured as well. But it was way worse, Eunwoo knew what we hated and feared, we hated seeing our comrades getting hurt. It was like we were the ones who were stabbed in the heart when these events happened. So seeing these moments again made me hurt like I did before.

"Hey, Jimin, Y/N. So funny to see you devastated like this" Eunwoo chuckled, I made a tsk in annoyance. "But, the worst is yet to come...Y/N"

All of a sudden, I heard movement come from the crowd. Someone was pushing his or her way threw the crowd. I was hoping it wasn't Jungkook, or else, we might not be able to get out of here.

My eyes remained on the shuffling of the people, awaiting to see this person. Anticipation boiling in my stomach. But when the person finally stepped into my view, with a good angle of their face.....

The pain I felt was worse than anything I've ever experienced.

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