Chapter 40: I love you Sana....

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Warning. Cringy. Sexual content ahead.

I came home.

I'm going to confess.

No backing out this time.

I'm really gonna do it.

As I was about to step through the door. I suddenly heard a low whisper call my name. I turned around to the fields. I saw a man standing a few meters away from me. Only thing is, he resembles the man I saw on my first dream. I didn't move, flinch, or say anything. I just watched him. He gave me a nod, then disappeared like as if blown away by the wind.

I felt like that was a sign of encouragement. Cupid. If that's who he was. Sent me this. Sana, if you really are my soulmate, then you're going to make me the happiest man alive.

I walked into my home, calling her name. I heard her come down from her room.

"Your back" She took notice. My heart beated faster as I saw her. Come on Y/n. You got this.

"Sana...can we talk" I said, she made her way to me with a concerned look on her eyes.

"Listen...I. The pass few weeks. Things have been...tough" I started.

Sana nodded

"So....Sana....I love you"

Holy shit. That was horrible.

Why did I make her think I was gonna say something else, then just flat out confessed. Oh my god I'm such a dork. To even think I've been living for 400 years. I'm still a horrible talker.


"What?" I said quickly after her "What did I say? I don't know."

Sana suddenly stared at the ground. My heart beated faster as I waited for her to respond. But she wasn't saying anything. Maybe she didn't hear me.

"Sana...I Lo-"

All of a sudden, Sana jumped onto me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I caught her legs, as she wrapped them around my waist.

"I've waited too long for this" She said, before plastering her lips onto mine. I returned the kiss, and moved my lips in synch of hers. Her soft, small pink, luscious lips made me feel like heaven when kissing. I closed my eyes and let my body go to work. I gave her my tongue to use, and kissed harder then before. We went for a bout 1 min, before I pulled away and dropped her.

"You. Do You...really" I stuttered.

"I love you Y/n. I've loved you all this time"

I felt my hands shake, and my eyes started to water as I bring her in an embrace.

"Thank you...Sana...I really think you're the one"

I couldn't help but shed a tear. Finally confessing after all this time. Finally getting signs from Cupid after 430 years. The thought of finally finding my soulmate really made my heart beat with excitement.

"Y/'re really making me want to cry" Sana muttered. I broke the hug so I could see her face.

A tear rolled down her face so I grabbed her cheek and wiped it with my thumb.

"I tried so hard to make you love me" Sana said "I tried doing different personalities, being more sexy, aegyo, playing hard to get. I even tried making you jealous by hanging out with Taehyung all the time"

My face turned expressionless
"You're saying...Taehyung was in on this?"

"Well. Yeah"

I shook my head in disbelief.
"I hated that guy for no reason"

"You were actually jealous!" Sana squealed

"Hell yes! I wanted to punch that son of a bitch! Your mean for doing that to me you know!"

Sana then punched me
"What about me huh! That Momo chick!"

I gave out a loud chuckle, Sana pouted at me cutely.
"Whhaatt" She whined like a little girl.

"Momo is actually gay" I said "She was more attracted to you than she was to me"

Sana's eyes widened. She covered her face with her shirt and looked the other way. I couldn't help but start laughing. She joined in as well.

When we settled ourselves. I knelt down to her and flicked her forehead.

"Ow! Can you stop doing that!" Sana complained while touching her forehead. I giggled.

"I love you for who you are, ms minatozaki. You don't need to change your personality so I could like you more." I pointed towards her heart "I love you Sana. my sexy, cute, and beautiful Sana"

Sana blushed at my statement and covered her face with her hand. I gave her a loving smile.

"Now that...I confessed. Thinking back at how you were before makes me regret rejecting you...I'm kind of jealous of how you acted before"

Sana raised her eyebrows. But smirked. She suddenly moved closer to me. She brought her hand to the back of my head, and pushed me towards her so my ear was beside her mouth.

"I'm still the same Sana...oppa"

My eyebrows lifted but I kept my cool. I smirked.
"I'll make you whimper everyday..." I whispered back.

Sana flinched at what I said. I'm guessing she wasn't expecting me to flirt back.

"That's what you wanted right?" I pulled my head from her ear so my head was one centimetre away from her.  I traced her jawline with my hands, then dragged my hand along her body down to her waist.

"I never kept my promise from gym day did I?" I said, then pulled her closer to me. Her head rested onto my chest.

"Hmm. Should I fulfill the promise now, or wait until I make you my soulmate?"

Sana's eyes widened as I continued my seduction.

"Hey. You didn't buy the condoms for nothing right?" I said then moved the strap of her tank top down to her hands. "I'll make you not be able to walk Sana."

I smashed my lips onto hers and picked her up and brought her to my bed. I made her sit down on the edge and kept on kissing her. While doing so, I unbuttoned my pants, but did not break the kiss at all. Once both of us stripped off ours bottoms, we quickly separated to take off our shirts, but resumed quickly as we couldn't get enough of each other.

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