Chapter 52: Me and her

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"I'm home!" I yelled.

I slipped off my shoes and put the groceries I had in the kitchen. I then walked to my office. The ring has to be in a secret space. So I assumed my office would be the best spot as she rarely goes in it.

I walked inside, and put the ring in the top shelf of my closet where Sana can't reach it. After doing that, I changed into comfort clothes. But. Unfortunately as I turned around to leave my office. Sana was menacingly standing in front of the door frame with a broom and angry eyes.

"Where have you been? It's been 3 hours" Sana questioned. I scratched my head with one hand as I tried to come up with a lie.

"Uhm...nowhere. I just saw Jimin and Mina at the grocery store and we decided to get a drink" I lied with a smile. But Sana didn't budge.

"Stop're not cheating on me are you?"

"WHAT! I'd never. You know what happened to me in the past right?"

Sana sighed as if thinking how could she forget, then unfolded her arms.
"Alright.....sowwy" Sana said in a baby voice. I went up to her and hugged her body. Exploring all of her while she rested her chin on my chest and looked up into my eyes.

"I'd never leave a goddess like you" I muttered. I released our contact.

Then Sana started to clean my space.

I mentally face palmed. Aish. Of all times to clean my office she chose today?

"Um. You don't have to clean it. I could do it myself"

"No it's fine! This place really needs a clean up!" She says, as she pulls up a smelly sock from under the bed. "I mean. Look at this!"

I chuckled in embarrassment but inside I cried in frustration. Sana! You're too good for me. But why clean this place when I need to hide something!

"I'll clean it up later Sana need to do work now" I said,

"Boys...always say they'll do something then will never do it" Sana muttered. She then looked around the closet I put my ring over and swiped some dust.  Anxious that she was about to see it, I ran up to her then kicked the duster out of her hand. She turned around with a judging expression.

"Uh! Sorry! There was a fly and I wanted to kill it" I picked up the duster and kept it on my office table. "How about you take a break? Maybe hang out with me?"

Sana paused for a moment as if this was a hard decision to make. I mean surely spending time with me is better than cleaning. If cleaning was more fun then I basically failed my job of being her boyfriend.

"Alright! But we do what I want okay?"

I nodded.

We did a recording for a video for Sana's channel. It was a dress try on haul. Something boring in my opinion. But I was just there to rate the outfits. In my opinion, she looked stunning in all of them. But this one.

She looked unreal

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She looked unreal. That blue black dress really suited her. Speaking of dresses. I wonder what she'd wear to the wedding? Ah. I shouldn't be thinking about this. I still need to propose to her first.

Sana and I were editing the video we just recorded. In the middle of the process I got a phone call from Jimin.

"Yo" I answered, Sana turned her head towards me.

"Hey Y/N! We have a plan for the big day! So what we have in mind is-"

"Big day? What big day?" Sana questioned loud enough for Jimin to hear. I scrunched my nose and did a slight shake of my head.

"Oh! Hey Sana!" Jimin said with a high pitched voice "Didn't know you were there...uh. you know...uh...One year ago today was when we were free from we thought it would be a good idea to honour what happened and to celebrate our freedom!"

I almost laughed when I heard Jimins excuse. Not because it was horrible but because it was actually really good.

"Uh. Yea. Thanks Jimin but ..Sana and I are busy editing a video right now. Fill me in later alright?"

We hung up and I put the phone down.
"You guys never told me about this" Sana pointed out.

"Yea. You know how I ran into Jimin and Mina? We were talking about this earlier"

"Ah...." Sana nodded and we both went back to the video editing.

I texted Jimin later on. He actually didn't even tell me what they were going to do. He just said that he had a plan and that they would tell me where were going the day before, and what to do while on the spot. The only thing he wanted was for me to ask her on a date for Friday evening.

I sighed. I really hope they have a good plan. This is probably more important than any other mission we did in the K.I.A.

I approached Sana who was watching tv and laid next to her, resting my head onto her lap like a dog. She slowly caressed my hair while I watched the tv.

"Sana" I said.


"Do you want to have a date on Friday after I work? It's been awhile since we had one"

Sana nodded.
"Sure. Where we going?"

Yes! Date secured. As if I had a doubt that she would reject it.

"I'll surprise you. Just get really well dressed. Like maybe wear that blue and black dress. You look stunning in that"

"Huh?" Sana tilted her head. "Are we going to a special restaurant or something?"

I chuckled. Because I too had no idea where we were going.

"You'll see. It'll be on of the best night of our lives"

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