Chapter 22: Broken

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, I thought she got captured, or was tied up, but it didn't look like she was a captive. She was free, her face was smug, and she walked towards Eunwoo like she owned the place. I was too stunned to say a word. She put her arms around his neck, and pulled Eunwoo towards her lips.

"J-Jennie?" I watched in shock, my whole body was shivering. My eyes began to water. I tried breaking out, using all my force, I didn't stop. I tried to pull away my hands from each other to break the rope, looking for some sign of hope that the chains would crack. But nothing worked. I tried the same for my legs, yet that failed as well.
In defeat, I crumbled to the ground, and started to cry. I whimpered like a dog, my body felt like it was hollow, everything was ripped out of me.

Jennie broke the kiss with Eunwoo, then walked towards me. She knelt down, and forced my chin up to look at her.

"P-please tell me youre joking" I pleaded, Jennie smirked and shook her head. "Do you not remember anything from 30 years ago!" I croaked

Suddenly, her face started to twitch, I saw her body start to change form. I blinked my eyes twice just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Surely this is a dream right? Her face then changed into someone else's. My eyes widened.

"Jennie?!" I tried to speak her into existence, but her face didn't change.

"Jennie died 30 years ago honey" The woman whispered, her voice was different aswell. She dropped my face and stepped backwards. My eyes stared into the ground as I realized what happened.


No way

The person, my girlfriend, the woman I loved

Was a fake.

Eunwoo called the woman over and wrapped his arm around her.

"Meet my girlfriend Nayeon" He announces, my eyes overflowed with water, I leaned my head onto the floor. dead. She's actually dead. I had sex with... I kissed with... I slept with...a fraud.

This felt worse than when I saw her die.

It felt like my whole world was nothing but a lie.

I saw Jimin try to break out aswell, but stopped after it didn't work. I saw a tear slowly fall from his eye. I trembled from crying, I thought she really was alive, ....and I thought that she could really be my soulmate. But shes not any of those. She's completely a whole different person.

Eunwoo walked up to me, and kicked my shoulder. I flailed backwards onto my back. He stepped over me,placing his two feet beside my body.

"This is what will happen if you resist. Let me kill you, let me get my revenge. And you could meet Jennie again" , I looked up at him hesitantly. Meet Jennie again? If I just die, I can see her? We can be a couple?

"Y/N..." Jimin muttered, I regained my senses. No, stop it Y/N. I cant leave Jimin and Jungkook here. I have to protect them. I have to find my real soulmate. If Jennie is dead, and im still here, my soulmate must be out there. It means jennie is not the one, and im not the one for her.

"No" I growled at him. He shrugged his head, but then pulled his gun out.

"Heh, I knew youd say no. But youre still gonna die anyways." He cocked his gun then pressed it onto my forehead. it felt like time had slowed down once again as I was left to my own final thoughts.

Well, it seems like I won't find her after all.

423 years of living, just to die without finding love.

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