Chapter 46: All or Nothing

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Over the sunset hills in Busan, in the middle of nowhere, the boys and I crept up to the main headquarters of the breakers. Jihyo stayed back because of her foot, but was watching through monitors at home and was also communicating in our comms as well. As the building became clearer and clearer over the hill, I stopped and paused myself. Letting out a deep exhale.

I'm really ready to give my all to this mission. I'm really willing to do anything to save Sana. Even if that means I'll die.

This is what the base looks like.

"Alright, see that vent I marked on your goggles" Jihyo stated, a large arrow pointed at an air vent on the south wall of the building

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"Alright, see that vent I marked on your goggles" Jihyo stated, a large arrow pointed at an air vent on the south wall of the building. It was placed on the higher side of the wall, with a security camera located next to it.

"Got it" I confirmed, we crept behind cars in the parking lot to get closer. The base was a not how you'd think a base would look like. Maybe like an old abandoned warehouse, or a parking garage. This one was a good looking, new warehouse. A huge one. Almost double in size of the first hideout. To add on, it was located near a highway, so we can be seen easily, but it also created a lot of noise for us. Yet since it was beside the highway, there weren't much stuff to hide behind. So what we did to get into the parking lot was using camo.

We hid behind a big truck and lied down on our belly so we can peek under. There were many guards, about 20 guards covering this side. Well, there was 30 guards but we took down the 10 that were patrolling the outer area. Unfortunately, it seemed like they expected us, as they were in 3-4 man squads, and they were all in each others line of sight. So even if we manage to take down one group, we'd be caught by the other.

"We can't take them down, even if we had a distraction" Jungkook read my mind.

"We have to sneak in then" Jimin said, Jihyo then came in through the mic's.

"You're right. But if they can't see, then they won't be able to detect you guys" All of a sudden, the lights turned off outside. Making the guards jump up and panic and yelling into their comms. We took this as our opportunity to strike. I made my way through the left, while J and J went opposite ways. I crept behind a group in front of me and pounced like a panther. I stabbed one in the neck, then banged his head onto someone's else's. The two other men who couldn't see what was happening, pulled out their guns. But I slit both of their necks before anything happened. As I turned back towards the building, I could see that Jimin and jungkook took care of a few other groups, with only one remaining. I rushed them all as they stayed close together back to back, but I used their formation as an advantage to smash all 3 heads together

"All clear" I said, Jihyo turned the lights back on, but when I looked at the vent, I completely forgot about the security camera right beside it.

"Shit!" I cursed, I was about to shoot it down with a rock or something, or run out of its line of sight, but Jihyo calmed me down.

"Relax! I temporarily replaced the lens with a video of the guards patrolling the area. So It should look like the guards are still there"

"Nice one Jihyo. You're good at this!" Jimin complimented, I heard Jihyo smile as she said a thank you. We climbed up onto the wall, and entered through the vent.

The three of us crawled as quietly as possible, trying not to accidentally bump our heads into the dusty metal space. At the first vent opening, I looked through it before I jumped down into the hard surface. I didn't realize how loud of a sound I would make, as two guards in front of me turned around in my direction. I quickly hid behind a few boxes against a wall, while Jimin and jungkook stayed up.

When the eyes of my enemies were lifted, Jimin and jungkook slowly, using a grapple this time, let themselves down.

We landed in some sort of hallway. Something a little different compared to the other bases that were just open with little to no rooms. These walls were lightish dark grey, and had rust on them. The lights were bright white, with the one we were standing under having a glass hole in the middle as if a rock had been thrown at it. The ground was black, with stripes of red running along it.

As the boys made their way to me, i pulled out a knife for a sneak attack on the ones in front of us. Jimin stayed back, while Jungkook and I crept closer to the guards. When we were in range, we grabbed their necks and shoved our deadly knives right through them. A sweet, painless death.

"Come!" I motioned Jimin, we crouch walked towards a door a big arched door that opened when motion was detected. We got ready in position in case guards were on the other side, and pushed through.

"Wait!" Jihyo screamed in our ears. But it was too late to wait. The door opened, revealing a lounge full of Eunwoos men. All chilling doing their own thing. When we came in through the door, they all moved their eyes towards us. It took a moment for them to process who we were, but when they did, they scrambled up, grabbed their weapons, and ringed the alarm.

A red flashing light covered the room as the sound of  an alarm echoed in each part of the building.

"They're here boss! What do we do!" One man screamed through the phone.

"Bring them to me. Alive." Eunwoo responded through the other side. With the order from the boss, the breakers readied their guns, while we stood there like 3 lost idiots.

"Scatter!" We each dove into directions as bullets we're fired. I dove forward and kicked up a coffee table to use as cover. I pulled out my pistol and began shooting men in front of me. Jimin covered the left side, while jungkook did the same for the right.

I shot one man in the groin, and he collapsed in pain. But then I saw a man pointing at a jungkook who was firing at a different dude.

"Jungkook get down!" I screamed, Jungkook heard my voice and in lighting fast speed, did as I told. A bullet flew right over his head, right where he just was. I shot the man who fired at him and then turned to the rest of the guys.

Well, I would say that if they're were more guys.

Dozens and dozens of men were already left lying on the ground either dead, or were going to die from blood lost.

Suddenly, we heard people coming from one of the 3 doors of this lounge. Reinforcements, and it sounded like a lot of them. I met up with Jimin and Jungkook.

"We need to split!" I quickly told them. We decided that Jimin and Jungkook would go back the way we came from, while I headed in the other open hallway.

Jihyo spoke once again. Her voice was breaking up.

"I put trackers —visors of each other. So you can — each other. —won't be able to talk to you guys —-from now on as I feel my connection -worse. If you can hear me -there's a big lobby on the first —-building, but the second floor- the one your on, has dozens of corridors filled with rooms. Sana—-anywhere. I can't track —-she is, but I can help send signals of enemies —-location...but anyways...if this—-last—- you can hear me, then I—— to say...Good luck's an honour to have worked with you"

And then she fully disconnected. I mentally cursed as we lost a great valuable source of help, but that frustration was interrupted by the sound of the guards getting closer and closer.

"If anything happens, I'll try to find you guys okay!" I screamed, and they nodded. Suddenly, I saw the door open slightly with a bunch of guards rushing towards us.


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