Shes everywhere!: Part 2

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When Sana said she would have me no matter what. I honestly coudlmt of cared less when she said that. But I should've cared way more. WAY more. Because this past week. She wouldn't get off my ass! She stalked me in the gym, the grocery store. And now, she stalked me in the swimming pool, the beach, the park, even fucking in a portapotty! That's not even the worst of them! What she did on This day Was the most stupidest, most annoying thing ever.

Oh my god.

She won't leave me alone.

She's making me lose my mind

I was sitting at the doctor's office for checkup. I had called because my sanity is really diminishing because cause of this woman. Ah I'm just kidding. I'm embarrassed to admit that my dick hurts from all the times she keeps on grabbing it. Also, the doctor's office seemed like the only place where she won't be able to find me. So I could at least feel safe here.

"Y/n?" My doctor called, I stood up and bowed to her. She made her way to her office as I followed.

"So. I heard you want to talk about your mental health. Is your old job trauma back?"

I shook my head as I took a seat on the wonderful plastic chair.
"I-um. I'm embarrassed to admit. But my penis is in pain"

(Boring doctor stuff)

"Alright. Here is your prescription." My doc handed a piece of paper to me, I slipped it in my pockets.

"Well. If that's it. Then I think everything is okay!" She added

Suddenly, the door began knocking.
"Oh. I'm sorry Y/n. I'll be right back"

I gave her a understanding nod, while she stepped out the room. I waited for 5 minutes before I heard the door open. Only by someone who I was not expecting.

"NO" I stood up and tried swerving around her out of the door, but she closed it, and locked it. She then threw the key onto a top shelf none of us could grab without a ladder.


Oh my god.

I stared at her without responding. I was mad. I don't even know how much times she did this to me, but it's too much now. She's getting way to fucking annoying.

She pushed my body onto the bed, making me sit down. She was about to undress, but I stopped her.

"Stop it. You're getting really annoying" I said, but she pushed my arm out of the way and unbuckled her bra.

"You know you like this" Sana seduced, her big tits were inches away from me. I looked at her eyes, trying my best not to look down.

"Sana, why's are you doing this?"

"I love you"

I shook my head in disbelief.
"No you don't"

I walked around her and tried to step on a chair to reach the keys. But Sana pushed me towards the wall before I got a chance. I felt her tits push into me like soft cushions.

"You can't deny that that night was the best time of your life" She whispered into my ear. She bit the tip of my ear lobe, making my heart beat faster a little not gonna lie.

"You can't deny that you're being to addicted to me" I countered,

"Yea, I know" She mumbles "I like it" she suddenly started to kiss my neck, unfortunately she had my hands locked onto the walls so I couldn't move my hands.

"Stop" I demanded, I tilted my head towards her head so she couldn't have the angle to kiss me anymore, but she started to suck my ear. The sound of her licking tongue made my body flinch.

"You like this..." Her voice rang in my ears. I would if I was in a different situation. Right now, I was losing my temper.

I powered through her strength and pushed her off of me. She stumbled it the floor, her back hitting the front door.

"Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay!" I felt pity.

"Ah!" She moaned "Your so strong!"

Fucking hell. She's making me regret ever being nice to her in the first place.

Before she could get up, I went on top of her so she couldn't move.

"Ah! Y/n!" Sana groaned, I covered her mouth so she couldn't speak anymore.

"Listen" I started, I acted like I was about to give her a lecture, but instead I bolted towards a chair, jumped on it, and snatched the keys on top of the shelf. Sana got up surprised.

"Hey! Y/N! Stop!"

I ignored what she said and pushed her again, this time onto the bed.
"This is the last time you're doing this. I'm sick and tired of you. If I see you one more time then I might call the police" I warned "You're just someone who's empty, you have no heart. You're just moved around by feelings of lust. I tried being kind to you. But you're not making it easy"

Sana surprisingly stayed quiet.

"Alright then.....BYE!"

I sprinted towards the door, I unlocked it, went through it, and locked her inside. I heard Sana bump into the door as I locked it.

"Y/N! God! Why are you so Hot!

Soulmate - Sana x Male Reader (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora