Chapter 28: I threw her in a lake

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"How dare you!" A woman like voice seemed to scream at me as I found myself inside a dark tunnel. The walls were made of brick, and the only source of light was from a rusted lamp hanging on the side of the wall.

"Whos there!" I called back, turning around frequently

"Its your fault! Yours!" I suddenly heard a thud come from close behind me, so I quickly swiveled around. Jennie stood before me, her stomach was bleeding with a knife stabbed through her, and her eyes were like frozen in place, just staring at me.

"She was fake! Your world was a lie!" She said, her voice can be heard, but her mouth wasnt moving. It was like the voice came from the echo of the walls.

"Jennie!" I cried,

"Youre just so naive! Wanting love but avoiding the true signs! Jimin and Jungkook even told you to stay away from her!"

My eyes started to water and I crumpled to the ground.
"Im sorry"

Suddenly Jennie moved closer to me, standing above me. This time her face and body was like normal. And her mouth moved when she talked. But it still sounded like her voice was coming from the walls.

"You have to live with the burden knowing that your the reason I died!" She screamed at me.

"N-no" My lip's quivered "Jennie I-I love you"

"Do you Y/N?" Her voice sounded normal, she knelt downto my level and tilted her head.

"Then get over me"

My eyes shot wide open as I bashed my hand onto my nightstand.
"Ow!" I rubbed the place my hand got hit by. Ive been having those dreams recently. Its been about 3 days since I woke up in Sana's place. Id like to say I got over what happened, but I honestly dont know. Jennie is still lingering in the back of my mind. I guess thats why I have dreams of her.

These past few days have been normal I guess. I just stayed at my home the whole day and cooked some instant food that I had around the kitchen. The only interactions I made to the outside world was when My friends and I would visit each other once in awhile to see if were okay. I havent talked to Sana, nor Namjoon or Jihyo in awhile. Not even through text either. I guess theyre giving us space to reflect and stuff. And there's also no sign of Eunwoo either. But Im surprised by the way Sana's been acting recently. Ever since we got attacked by the street, she seems more...not like herself. Or that is, not the way I knew her. Now Id like to say that she is less clingy. Maybe shes not the same Sana anymore.

Speaking of Sana, sometimes I forget that she's famous. Maybe I can look at her social media.

I took out my phone and went to her account. I was surprised by the amount of followers she had.
"15 million!"

I noticed in her bio that it also said she was a model. Didn't know that.

I scrolled through a bunch of photos she put out.

Posted 2 weeks ago

Posted 2 weeks ago

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