Chapter 34: Loss....

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I tackled Jihyo and held her to the ground. My shield came up and expanded around us like a metal dome. Suddenly, a big explosion came around us, the sound of wind and the smell of smoke surrounded us. As we hid in the dome, Jihyo and I couldn't help but draw tears from our eyes.

When the explosion seemed to have came to an end, we wiped our face and I released the shield over our heads. We stood on our feet, Eunwoo was still standing there, although Nayeon was missing. I looked at where Namjoon was, but there was nothing. Only a black stain on the middle of the room. Our equipment got destroyed aswell, so I was only left with a gun and tranquilizer.

"Damn, I was hoping you guys would die" Eunwoo smirked, then Nayeon came in with another remote. This one with two buttons. She passed it to Eunwoo.

"But, no matter." He pressed the top button, and the wall behind us fell to the ground. "I would kill you now. But since you guys lived. I like to torture people. Especially you Y/N. the pride of the K.I.A. Oh, how seeing you tear up is almost better than killing you, makes me think that you've suffered enough huh?"


"my revenge is just getting started" 

He pressed the second button, and more bombs appeared around the room.
"Good luck Y/N and Jihyo. live to suffer. Or die for peace.....I'll see you guys soon"

He pressed the button again, and a 5 second timer counted down. My eyes widened as Jihyo and I bolted as far away as we could towards the exit. I had no plan, Eunwoo probably has the bomb to blow up the whole place. And since we don't have gear, our only hope is to run. About half way to the garage doors, we heard the bomb explode from behind us. When I turned around, a wave of smoke and fire was rapidly approaching us.

"GO!" I screamed, I ran for my life as the fire got closer and closer. We were about 20 metres away from the exit when I felt my back heat up, and extreme amounts of wind blowing at my back. I felt the impact of the explosion burst on me, as I was sent flying towards the exit. My body rolled onto the ground and I was engulfed in smoky flames as wind rushed over me. But before I knew it, the explosion stopped. And I was resting  on the ground panting. I shouldn't be alive. I should be dead. I think the suit that we were wearing protected me. If I wasnt wearing this, then let's say I wouldn't be writing right now.

I stood up frantically looking around.
"Jihyo!" I called, I didn't get an answer, I looked inside, everything was destroyed, all the people knocked out there are probably dead. If Jihyo was inside, then she would definitely be dead. But I was hoping she was pushed out like I did.

"Jihyo!" I yelled once more.

"Over here!" I heard her voice come from the trees behind me. Relief flooded over me. I rushed towards her, she was lying on the ground, I flinched when I saw her foot was landed in an...ahem. Let's say not so nice angle. She held her foot gently and groaned in pain.

"Thank goodness you're alive" I said, I helped her up by carrying her bridal style. I didn't have my phone with me, but I did have that walky talky thing that I gave Sana and the others. I pressed the emergency button, and It seemed to be working. I got an answer almost immediately.

"Hello! Who's this!" I asked,

"Y/N! It's Sana. Are you okay!" She screamed into the mic,

"I'm fine. But, Jihyo is hurt." I answered.

"What about Namjoon? Did u get him?" Sana questioned, I remained quiet, Sana seemed to have got the message.

"I...see. Im sorry Y/n"

"Yeah....well I need a ride . I know you're drunk so can you send me someone to come pick us up?"

"I'll drive. You're still drunk Sana" Sana decided to be the one to pick us up. In turns out she never called Taehyung. She just walked home herself. I mean, I only wanted Taehyung to watch her. But if she's fine, plus she didn't spend Time with that guy, then it's a win win for me.

"Fine." I stepped into the vehicle and stared at Jihyo through the mirror. 

"How's the foot Jihyo?" I asked, her legs were rested on the seats, while her head leaned on the window. Her face was facing towards the trunk, seemingly not wanting to talk right now. I guess Namjoon's death is hard for her to get over.

I took a big old sigh, and started to drive off to the hospital.

Jihyo had to go through emergency surgery for her foot. Apparently her bone broke so hard that bits and pieces of the bone were spread across the area. And since the bone was an angle, the doctors had to rearrange it in place. They said it would take a few hours, so Sana and I drove back to Jimin's home.

When they opened the door to the sound of our knocking, they were happy that I was alive. But when they realized Jihyo and Namjoon weren't with me, they're eyes seemed to turn hollow once more.

"Are they both..." Jungkook started, too scared to finish the sentence.

"Jihyo is in the hospital undergoing surgery...." I mumbled "Namjoon..."

My voice ran off, they nodded in understanding, and sat on the couch to process what I had just told them.

"Damn." Jimin cursed and shook his head in disappointment at himself. "I'm sorry Namjoon"

Jungkook sat beside him speechless, I was about to approach, when I felt a sudden pain in my arm.

"Uhfh!" I muffled random words and held the area I had pain in. Sana glared at me worryingly. She took a look at my arm, she noticed that I was bleeding with a hole on the side of my shoulder.

"Y/N! I'll get you a bandage" She quickly ran to the kitchen and tried looking for med supplies. Jimin took a notice to our situation and grabbed a med wrap from upstairs and rolled it around my injured womb.

"Thanks man" I muttered, Jimin did a slight smile. He cut off the paper once it was snug on my arm. All of us sat in the living room.

"Well, what happened?" Sana asked curiously,

I began to explain everything.

Eventually, after all the explaining. It made Jimin and Jungkook more sad. Even myself, to the point where my body began to feel weak. Like as if another step I would take, I would just crumble to the ground. I also felt very tired, so Jimin lended me one of his spare rooms for me to sleep in. I took off my clothes I was wearing, changed, and plopped onto the bed, instantly drifting into a sleep.

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