Chapter 41: Mistake.

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it was the next morning, Sana was still fast asleep since it was pretty early. I sat on the couch after making breakfast. Now that I was alone, and had nothing to do, I remembered Suga's offer.

Should I join them?

Nah, I had to wait for Jungkook and Jimin so we can discuss about it. But it's too early for me to call them.

....if I just say yes.


Then Sana would be protected. Mina and Tzuyu would be protected. They all would be protected. But Jimin, Jungkook and I, we'd be force to probably do this job forever.

Am I willing to risk it all just for their safety?

Yea....I am. I really am.

But I really want to kill Eunwoo and Nayeon so fucking badly.

I sighed, and just stood up and looked out the window. It was then I got an idea.

How about...I don't tell Jimin or Jungkook about suga at all.

I heard Sana wake up a few minute later. I saw her wobbling over to me. Her legs were spread like she was wadding in water.

"Morning beautiful" I said with a smile, I went up to her and kissed her forehead.

"Morning Y/N" Sana responded, then continued waddling to the kitchen. I chuckled at her cute movements.

I ran behind her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"I...might be gone for a little bit Sana..."

Sana's face dropped as she turned towards me.

"There's something I need to do"

Sana looked like she was about to protest, but shut herself up. Instead she just sighed.

"Come back okay" She ordered, she pulled my head into a kiss, and we made out for 5 seconds before I pulled away.

"Don't worry about it."


I snuck into BTS's headquarters.

Ok. I know what you're thinking.

What the hell am I doing.

Suga said he's the only one who knows where Eunwoo's last base is. All I plan to do is hope that he has a file of this location, take a picture of if. Then leave.

That shouldn't be too hard right?

I was right. I finally found out where It is. Once I got to the file, I opened it. Its a map displaying 3 locations. 2 of them already crossed out with an X. The other

In Busan!

Shit. That's far.

I took a picture of the map, put the file back to where I found it and Escaped without anyone noticing. When I got back home, I inserted the picture into my computer.

"Where did you go?" Sana came in from behind. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and rested her chin on top of my head.

"No where" Once the file uploaded, the map was shown on my monitor. It displayed two pictures, one with a map of busan with its general location, and other displaying a picture of the base itself.

"Oh my god! Y/N! You found it!" Sana shrieked, I nodded. "How'd you get it?"

"Uh" I gave a chuckle, then explained what I did.

"You idiot!" Sana threw a pillow at me and pouted "You might've died"

I threw the pillow back at her and patted her head.
"I'm not going anywhere"

Suddenly, my phone that was siting on my desk started to ring. I picked it up.


"You think you can walk in here without us noticing" A familiar voice hissed into my ear. I gave a glare at Sana, who returned a look of confusion as she couldn't hear the conversation.

"I didn't know if I should trust you" I answered

Suga sighed
"OkayI guess that makes sense after everything you guys went through....."


"My offer is over...yet I still have one more to ask you. Let's form an take Eunwoo down"

I almost dropped my phone in surprise. Even after busting into his headquarters, he still wants to team up? That sounds a little too good to be true!

"What's in it for you?"

"Oh nothing...I've been wanting that bastard gone for years..I frankly have the, do you agree?"

I was about to agree. But stopped myself. This time, I should really ask the others first. I want to be the one of kill Eunwoo myself. So if I had to choose, I would agree to the offer so it would be easier. But knowing my friends, they'd reject it probably,

"I'll think about it"

"Ok...tomorrow at 11 pm. That's when we strike Y/N. Show up if you guys want to. But just to let you know...."

"We're not on the same side"

Ha, knew it was too good to be true. I felt my heart drop at those words.

"Your following my plans. Not you'rs. If you get in our way for whatever'll be treated like enemies."

"And we won't hesitate to act violently"

The phone hung up, as I slowly lowered my device down.

"Who was it?" Sana questioned, but I remained quiet as my eyes were plastered onto nothing.




I messed up.

I fucking messed up. Why did I bust in without asking my friends!

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