Chapter 27: I Snap at a Police Officer

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Sana arrived home at around 12 o'clock. I told her my situation about the missing van and she gladly gave me a ride in her car. I never been in her car before, but damn she has a nice one. A (Your dream car), ive always wanted one of those.

I made my way to the passenger seat, as I probably shouldn't risk driving, while Sana drove.
"So how was breakfast?" I asked to start a conversation.

"Great!" She smiled "Taehyung, my friend, took me to a delicious breakfast place! It turns out he owned it!" Sana proudly talked. I dont know how I felt about her talking like this about that dude who I now know is Taehyung. But lets just say, Its nice she's not...obsessed with me anymore.

"Oh really? Which one?"

" V's Breakfast!"

"V's breakfast!" I echoed, "I used to go there all the time!"

"Mhm! Amazing right!"

Althought I acted thrilled, I wasnt. Instead, I was curious. She seems so different with this guy. Why does she seem so normal with Taehyung, yet a bitch towards me?
Speaking of which, I wonder what she thinks of me now.
I gave her a suspicious glare which she noticed me doing. But she had to keep her eyes on the road.


"This Taehyung... do you like him?"

"WHAT! No! Of course not, I just met him" She defended herself.

" you still like me?" I asked, she didnt say a word until we stopped at a red light. Thats when she put her hand on my shoulder and put her other finger on her lip. She nudged her head down so her eyes had to look up to look at me.

"What?...Do you want me?" She said with a purr in her voice. I blushed at her sudden action, but then rolled my eyes at her and looked towards the window to hide my face. See? I bet she didn't act like that with the Taehyung dude

"Didnt answer my question" I mumbled to myself, quiet enough that she didnt hear. Sana chuckled at my actions, but then focused back to the steering wheel.

The rest of the ride was quite peaceful, none of us said anything. The sound of whistling coming from the slightly rolled down window seemed to be the main sound.

When the bar was in view, I scanned the parking lot for a white van, but I couldn't see one. Sana parked at a spot and we both got out to look around. It was then I noticed at sign, saying

No overnight parking.

"Fuck" I cursed

Sana who heard what I said, hastily came up beside me.

I pointed at the sign and groaned in frustration. How did I not see this? Maybe I was just so depressed that I didn't pay attention to anything.

"Now what?" Sana asked

"I reckon it got towed. Probably to the nearest police impound yard" I responded, Sana searched up the nearest one, is was about 10 minutes from here. Good not too far.

We got into the car and Sana drove off once more.
"Hey...thanks for helping me" I told her. I felt guilty for wasting her time helping a hungover me.

"No problem. Just helping..a friend" Her voice got quiet towards the end. "We're....friends right?"

I was kind of shocked at her question.
"Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?"

"I- uh you know...because I...stalked you"

I started to giggle at her, Sana gave me a confused expression as if she was saying "What the fuck is he on?"

"It's okay. Looking back at it it's kind of funny"
Thinking about this made me chuckle more, while Sana slumped down in her seat out of embarrassment. "Remember when you stole my car keys?"

She blushed and looked the other way.

"Also the time when you bursted in to my job!" I teased her

"Oh! And Remember when you went in the boys-"

"YAH!" She yelled and smacked my arm "Be quiet!"

I didn't listen to her and kept on bantering

Her face became a tomato making me laugh even harder. Sana sighed and just ignored me by rolling down the window and leaning her arm out of it. When I caught my breath, we were at the station.

Sana stopped the car, while I wiped my eyes and steadied my breathing.
"Hurry up or Ill leave your drunk ass and your car over here"

Not wanting to be abandoned, I quickly stepped out of the car and we both walked into the station. We were greeted by a police officer who was talking to other customers. We waited in line until it was our turn.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The female officer greeted.

"Hi Im looking for a white van that could have been towed around yesterday morning? I last left it at ******* bar"

The woman did some things on her computer before turning the screen to us.
"This your van?"

It showed a video of my car getting towed away from the bar I last left it in.

I nodded my head.

"Well, you have to pay a fine for overnight parking at an unauthorized area" She said, I nodded my head again in understanding. I was about to reach for my wallet, when I forgot that it was in the van.

"I uh. How much is it?"

"300 thousand won" She said, I raised my eyebrows in alarm. 300 thousand! Damn I know im rich but I hate wasting that much money.

"Alright, but I left my wallet in my van. Do you mind if I can grab it?"

"Im sorry, but no actions can be layed on the vehicle until claimed and payed for."

"But Ill pay it once I get my wallet"

"Like I said I cant do that"


"Why not?"

"Since its not payed for"

"But Ill pay you once I get my wallet!"

"No actions can be made until the money is there"

"The money will be there, if I have my wallet"

"I know sir, but nothing can be done until-"


"Thanks for paying Sana. Ill repay you"

I guiltily said as we sat in the van. I drove the car until we were parked beside Sana's. Everything I had was with me, my wallet, phone keys, everything. I pulled out 300 thousand won and put it out to Sana for her to grab.

"No its fine! Really! I owe you one for saving my life anyways" She responded, I asked her again but she resisted so I kept the money.

"Anyways"Sana started "You sure you could drive? Are you still hungover?"

"Im fine. Headache still there but I could drive" She nodded her head, and stepped out of my car and went into the driver's seat of hers.

"If your okay, than ill be heading home" Sana yelled over by rolling down her window. I gave her a thumbs up, as we both stepped on the gas and turned around towards the exit of the plaza. I went to the left lane to turn left, since my house was that way, and Sana went to the right lane to turn right, since her house was that way. We made a stop as it was a red light, but when it turned green, we both turned away, driving the opposite direction of each other.

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