Chapter 45: She's Alive..

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"There is no one for me" I said, the pain in my voice can be heard with every single syllable. Silence filled the room. No one knew what to say. I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted them to leave.


I just want to see Sana again.

Suddenly. My phone rang. But I didn't react to it. I completely ignored it, but Jimin snatched my phone away and answered the call. It was then a hologram showed up in front of my phone, I saw the light come from it, but my eyes remained in one place.

"Eunwoo!" Jimin screamed in shock "You're still alive!"

As I heard his name. I scrambled up and took the phone. Eunwoo's face hovered in front of me. It didn't look like he had just finished a fight with BTS. His face looked unharmed. It actually looked like he just came off a tanning session.

"Y/n. The man I wanted to see!" Eunwoo said with a smile.

"You're supposed to be dead" I scowled at him, Eunwoo gave a little laugh.

" If you're wondering about BTS...." Suddenly he turned his camera around. Suga was standing there, along with 3 other people I recognized from that group. But another second passed, and their faces glitches into another. Their outfits changed into breakers attire.

"BTS. I only used them as a cover to get closer to you." Eunwoo explained, then it hit me. The bomb was set by him.

"You killed Sana didn't you" My hatred for this guy, I couldn't explain it. Especially when he just smiled with no shame at all. All I wanted to do was strangle this guy. Lock him up and beat him to death until he begs that I let him go. Until each one of his limbs are broken, and the only part of him that was useful was his head. So I could see his frightened, pained, face.


I right now had the pained expression on my face.

"Your so naive despite you're age. I planted the bomb when Suga first visited you."


Despite my threats, he shook his head.
"Hm. Did I kill Sana?"

His camera turned again. He walked into a room where Sana was stripped naked only wearing a bikini. She was hung up with her arms connected to chains, and her legs dangled in the air. My heart jumped when I saw her.

She's alive.

She's actually alive.

But as I took in a closer look at her body, i clenched my fist. Her head hung low with exhaustion, you can see her whole body shiver from being trapped in there for so long. She was covered in blistered with bruises, some in the stomach, some on the arms, but I also noticed there were hickies on her neck.

"Sana!" I cried, her head jerked up to the sound of my voice, and turned her head towards me. Her eyebrows lifted in shock.

"Y/n!" She yelled, but before I could say anything. The door closed and eunwoos face appeared again.

"Anyways. She's alive. But not for long. Come get her Y/n. Or I can't promise she'll live"

The phone call ended, and my phone turned off. I sat there in silence, as a tear slowly dropped from my eye. She's alive. I couldn't be more happier. But the thought of what she's been through for the past few days. Torture, sexual assault, rape. I wish I could've been there to stop this before it happened.

I got up hastily and walked to go get my gear. Sana needs me. I need to leave asap. As I approached the doorway, Jimin called my names and stopped me by placing a firm grip on my shoulder. I tried shoving him off, but he didn't budge. He spun me around so I was forced to look at him.

"Look. Y/n. I really want this to be true. But how can you be certain that after all the mimics Eunwoo played on us, that Sana isn't one as well?" Jimin posed "Were playing right into his trap."

"I don't care. If there's a slightest chance that that was the real Sana. Then I'm taking it." I said, "I'm doing this no matter what. "

"You guys aren't going to stop me" I added

Jimin sighed at my stubbornness, while Jungkook pulled up to his left and Jihyo rolled her wheel chair to the right.

Jimin let go off me and brushed his hair back.
"Who said we were going to stop you?"

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