Chapter 2: Best Night Of My Life

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My eyes exploded wide open as I grabbed my clock and threw it to the wall. I sat up from my bed and stretched my body, yelping like a motherfucking high pitched wolf howl. Once doing my stretching, I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I couldnt sleep much since I was thinking about my ex all night. But I had to get to work soon so I went to my closet and picked out my outfit to wear for my job.

After arriving at the building, I parked my car in the parking lot and made my way to the front door. While walking, I noticed two familiar figures walking away from me.

"Jungkook! Jimin!" I called,

They turned their heads towards the sound of my voice and smiled after seeing me.

"Y/N!" They both yelled. I gave them a smile and greeted them. Jungkook and Jimin are my two best friends. We've been friends for 150 years! Jungkook is the youngest out of us, being born in the year 1797. Which makes him 225 years old. Jimin is the second oldest. Born at 1689. One thing we all have in common, is that we suck at pulling girls. We're all on the same situation, we can't find our soulmate. Which is ultimately why we are friends. Cause we all get dumped lmao.

Anyways, Jk and Jimin are both workers for the company called HYBE entertainment. They are managers there, and together along eith other people run the company after the old owner found his soulmate and died.

"Going to work?" Jimin asked, and I nodded. We all looked at the school before I checked the clock and realized that I would be late to my children.
"Well got to run. See ya guys"

I walked towards the door and put my hand on the handle.

"Bye my husband!" Jimin teased, and I chuckled and shook my head. We called each other "Husbands" because of how our friend group lasted longer than our romantic relationships. And because we love to tease each other.

I opened the door and walked through the school towards my class. My ears aren't great, but you know it's bad when my class can be heard down the hall.

The class didn't even quiet down as I entered. Dozens of toddlers were running around playing with each other and doing mischievous things, One of the groups tried to create a lego towers while the bad kids climbed up on each other to try and grab my stash of my favorite candy. How dare they.

"Felix! Seungmin! and Jeong-in!" I yelled, as they heard my booming voice, they all collapsed to the floor, falling on top of each other before getting up and staring at me with innocent faces.

"We want candy!" They all synchronized like they practiced saying that a thousand of times. I sighed while shaking my head and held my hips with my arms.

"What am I supposed to do with you guys Huh? Youll get some candy if you listen to me!"

After work, I drove down to my house and changed into some regular clothes. Plopping down onto my couch and resting my head on the top of the cushion, I rubbed my temples annoyingly. These kids are so tedious some times. Why cant they listen to me! The whole day mostly everyone was talking over me to the point where I shouted at them. I got a warning from the principal. Damn why did I choose to work at a school who spoils their kids! Argh, kids these days need to understand to respect elders or else I might get fired.

I had to clear my mind. After the break up, I proceeded to act like nothing happened.Yet it hurts more now since im alone in my thoughts. It sucks living in this world, because every person you fall in love with, you think he or she is the one. And it hurts so fucking much then they're not.

Suddenly, I got a text from the husbands group chat.

Y/n theres a party tonight at **** join us bro.

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