Chapter 3: I Brought "Cream" to School

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Upon waking up, I found myself starting at a white ceiling on top of a bed.

Instant confusion went over me as I tried to remember what happened the night before.

Memories flooded back to me, my cheeks flushed red.

Damn, that woman made me have one of the greatest nights of my entire life. Speaking of her, where is she?

I sat up and looked around the room. It was a luxurious apartment. Similar to mine. But way more modern and nicer. I was on the couch, and also naked, staring at the tv that was turned off. I stood up looking around. I don't remember how I got here, I don't think I drank. Did I just fall asleep and she just kidnapped me?

I opened dozens of doors, and searched the entire apartment, coming to a conclusion that she wasn't home. I sat on the couch and just did nothing. Text messages started to ring from my phone.

Yo Y/N, how was last night? 😏

Did you have fun? We saw you making out while walking outside. 🤣

I shook my head and laughed a bit. That's right, we went to her car, and had some fun but after that I didn't remember anything about coming here. I was about to respond but my my eyes moved towards a nearby clock.

"8:10!!!! Fuck, I'm going to be late!"

I quickly picked up my clothes I wore last night, changed into them and quickly ran straight to the elevator. Jamming the elevator button, the number on the side said it was still off floor 2. I was on floor 30.

"Fuck it"

I bolted to my left and went down the stairs, skipping a few so I can get down quicker. By the time I got down it was 8:17, and my legs were on fire. I bolted outside of the apartment making a few people chilling outside jump out of their seats.

My body sprinted to the parking lot, but it was then when I recalled that my car was back at the strip club.

"Damn it!" I cursed

I looked around my surroundings, analyzing where I am.

This place was familiar I realized, I drive by it often when going to the supermarket. Only thing is that it's the opposite side of where the school is from my house.

With knowledge of where I was, i sprinted towards the school.

After 10 minutes I walked in the school, breathing heavily.

Making my way to pick up things from the office, I returned to my class with bare moments to spare. The class quieted down as I entered, their eyes laser focused on my lumpy ass. I sat down on my chair and looked at the ceiling , trying to catch my breath.

"Mr Y/LN, you look horrible" One of the students mentioned. I gave a thumbs up while I kept on staring at the sky.

"Are you okay Mr?" Another girl ask. And I nodded in response.

"Why is there white cream on your suit Mr?" One of the Guys questioned, my eyes bursted open and I sat up inspecting my clothes. There it was, white cream. On the side of my chest, visible In front of 24, 7 year old kids. I'm gonna get fired if they see this.

"Oh, uhm, I ate a really nice....cake this morning for breakfast. And some of the icing spilled" I smiled, while nodding, satisfied with the excuse that I just made. I grabbed a tissue and was about to wipe it off when Felix spoke up.

"Cake! Can I try it then"

I froze at what this kid just said. My hands cracking. Kids are so innocent bro. How can I be like that lol.

"No, it's dirty, kids if food lands on your shirt then you should clean it up right away. Don't eat it"

"But my parents do that all the time!"

I face palmed, if there one thing kids are good at then it's being able to make 1000 reasons to back up their answers.

"That's still a no. And a no is a no" I answered, I felt like I pleaded my case well and was going to wipe it one more time but the kids started chanting.

"Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!"

I looked up at the cult of student that I unfortunately call my class. What the fuck!

"Guys, it's not nice to peer press-" Suddenly, I saw Felix and seungmin creep up from behind my desk. Seungmin grabbed my tissue while Felix tried to steal my Uhh...icing from my shirt. Without hesitation or thinking I swiped my finger over the part. Making all the cream go on my hand and stuck it in my mouth. Everyone looked at me shocked while I swallowed it quickly.

"Mr, now you're gonna get sick!" Eunchae worried

"Don't worry. As long as I eat it none of YOU guys will get sick" I glared at Felix and seungmin as they quickly walked back to their seats. I sighed, what the fuck just happened. I can't believe that I didn't check
the mirror today, or else I would've noticed this. In my 400 years of living, I never would've thought I would eat that in front of a class full of 7 year olds. Anyways, I wonder where that woman went? Ah, she was nothing but a one time thing. Someone to get over my break up. Nothing more. 

"Alright kids! I was in a rush this morning so I forgot  you're work for today! So, have free time for the whole day!"

After work, I stood in front of the door and called Jimin to pick me up. He came in a few minutes in his Rolls Royce with his windows rolled down and wearing sunglasses. This guy.

"Hey thanks for the ride" I said as I stepped into the passenger seat.

"No problem Y/N. How was last night" He asked with a smile on his face. I buckled my seatbelt and shook my head. Giving a smirk as I always get questioned like this.

"Best night of my life"

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