Chapter 44: "There is no one for me...."

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"SANA!" I scream as loud as I could towards the house and looked around where I last saw her. I called her name again, but no response. Despite the house burning up in flames. I ran through the fire, counting on the small chance that she would be in there.

"SANA" I croaked again, I coughed as I inhaled the smoke from the flames. The heat from the fire was starting to eat away my clothes and burning my skin. I couldn't be in here for much longer, but I didn't care.

I lifted pieces of wood and furniture off the ground to check is she was here, but no sign of her. I tried looking around again, frantically calling her name. Yet the only thing I heard and saw was the crackling and yellow colour of the fire.

I coughed again. I didn't want to leave, but I had to, or else I would die. I forced myself out of the burning house and laid on the ground in front of my car. I rested my head back up to the sky and closed my eyes. Tears slowly coming out.

"T-this isn't real" I muttered while shaking my head. It's a dream right? For sure. I had dreams like this before, and I always woke up in my room. I tried closing my eyes, However, when I opened them, I was still staring at the night sky.

"S-Sana" I stuttered, a waterfall of tears fell from my eyes as my breathing began to get faster.

Flames roared , casting loud crackling sounds in the distance, eating away at the beautiful landscape. The smoky smell could be present in the air.

I looked at the house, desperate for some signs of her. But the truth was clear. She was gone.

More tears streamed down my face. Each breath became heavy, the world felt like it was spinning around me. The weight of her death made it hard for me to breath, it felt like all my air was being sucked out of me.

I couldn't bear it, the guilt, the pain of her gone. It all came down on me as I found my self gasping, struggling to breath.

"Sana" I croaked out her name, but I felt me eyes close suddenly. My voice faded away as I realized I wasn't getting enough air. Yet, it was too late to calm down. The grief of her lost made my heart beat faster, making my eyes slowly shut to a painful last memory.

My head shot up as I regained consciousness. The black void I was in was instead replaced by the scene of a bedroom. With Jungkook sitting on a table facing the window. At the sound of my movements, Jungkook turned around hastily.

"You're awake!" Jungkook said with a smile. But I didn't return it. I remember what happened. It wasn't a dream like I hope it was. It's real. Something I can't believe right now.

"Did you guys find her?" I asked the question, I had little hope. Maybe she was there and I couldn't find her.

But my heart crushed when I saw jungkook shake his head. My eyes watered again, and I cried into my shirt.


Time passes. I don't even know how much days it has been since that moment. But it hasn't been long. I was doing nothing but sitting on the bed. Staring at the emptiness of the wall. Thinking about ways of how I could've stopped it, how I could've prevented it. But none of that made me feel better. If anything, it made me feel more hollow inside, it made me feel like I was gonna die from heartbreak.

I didn't talk to any of my friends. I didn't once leave my room. I didn't need to. The feeling I had is like nothing I felt before. And I've been through a lot.

Suddenly, for the first time in a while, the door opened. All of my friends walked in with a sad look on their faces. They sat beside me and patted my shoulder. I didn't say a word. Not once acknowledging their appearance.

I just sat there.

In silence.

With nothing but my loud thoughts

But Jimin broke it.
"Hey man...if she's dead. It means she's not the one. You'll find someone else. I know you will bro."

She's not the one.


I heard that before

"Your wrong..."

"There is no one for me"

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