Chapter 4 2/2: Jennie

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"Jennie!?" I stood in place, blinking a few times to make sure this was all real. The slight tilt of her head made me spring from my place and hug her.

Jennie was my ex ex girlfriend. The one I had before the one I just broke up with.

"I thought you died" I muttered into her shoulder, trying not to weep.

For the longest time I blamed it on me. The people, targeted Jennie because of me. They didn't care about going to hell. They didn't believe in such Cupid. They killed and killed without hesitation. Last time I saw her was 30 years ago, when she got abducted and I was being held back by men. I saw a knife go right through her. And she dropped to the ground. Her lifeless body laying on a pile of blood. That image was the last time I saw her.

"How, I don't..understand" I pulled away from the hug,

"On that day. Someone came in. And he helped me"

"Who is this person?" I asked, she shook her head.

"I don't know"

None of us said anything after that as Silence started to fill the air. It was awkward. She was the closest one out of all the people that I thought to consider to be my soulmate. When I thought she died, I took it as I sign that she wasn't it.

I took a breath of air to calm myself down and wiped my hands over my eyes.
" just...I don't know what to say" I said with a smile on my face. I saw her put her hair around her ear and she twisted her body while looking down. I saw her blush a bit.

"Y/N...I want to know...Do you still love me?" She asked,

I stared down into the ground silently, how can I possibly love someone from 30 years ago you might ask? Well, anything is possible. You guys wouldn't understand, but, relative to my age, 30 years is like 7 year difference for you guys. But even then. That's still 30 years.

"I....don't know. It's been too long Jennie" I said, I could see the disappointment in her face. I didn't even bother asking why she took 30 years to find me.

"Please! I want to go back to what we were" She pleaded while hastily stepping closer to me and grabbing my hand. I stared at her hand without responding. My face was pained, my eyes were watery.


I thought back to my previous job. The one that I regretted. The one that made Jennie die. I just can't let that happen again.
"They'll find me once more. Look what they've done to you"


I kissed her forehead before she could speak. She was stunned, she looked at my lips then touched the spot where I kissed her. I smiled.

"Jennie. I got over you 28 years ago. Your better off with someone else" I gently prompted , As much as it pained me to say, she shouldn't be hung up on me.

She was left speechless. She didn't move or anything. I patted her shoulder and went back to the drivers side of my car and was about to enter. I wanted to leave as fast as I could, it was just too much for me. It's been too long to go back to. But Suddenly I heard her shout.

"Do you know how much I missed you Y/N!" She screamed at me with tears in her eyes. "30 years I've been broken in the US! I've mourned you thinking that you've died as well! How do you think I reacted when I found out you were alive and single! I couldn't wait to be with you again! I thought you'd still love me!" She collapsed onto the ground crying into her hands. I went to her and hugged her, and she started crying into my shirt.

"I'm sorry you went through that." I muttered, and caressed my hand through her head.

"Please..please let's just date or be friends at least" She sobbed, I couldn't just say no. I couldn't leave her like this.

"Ok...just give me time" I asked, and she nodded. When she was ready, I stood up while she wiped away her tears.

"My number is still the same Jennie. Contact me later and we can talk again if you want"

Without waiting for a response. I got into my car and drove away leaving her to walk home by herself. Once I arrived at a red light. I sighed and rested my head on the wheel.

What the actual fuck just happened.

Looking back at the conversation, I noticed I was a bit rude. I didn't even ask her if she had a place to stay. Damn it, what happened to the caring Y/N? The fact that Jennie is alive makes me mind blown. I mourned her for two years. And I didn't get another girlfriend until a year ago. Despite my desperate desire to find my soulmate, It was that long I was scared getting into a relationship because of how I didn't want to repeat that same thing.

After a few seconds of staying in that position, I heard a car honk from behind, and jolted back up and pressed on the gas. I raised my hand as a sorry before driving back to my apartment.

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