Chapter 18: Who's that boy?

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Sana Pov


A deep strong voice called to me. I slowly opened my eyes, and a middle aged man was standing in front of me. He was wearing an ancient robe, and has sandals on. I stared at him confusingly, then at my surroundings. But Wherever I looked, it was just the colour white. I stood up from lying down.

"Who are you?" I asked at him, he made a motion with his fingers, then our environment changed. Now we were in a...warehouse. But people were running frantically. They ran through us as if we weren't there, they carried guns, armour, weapons, anything that seemed to be used for battle. Each person has this weird skull logo on it.  I looked at the man curiously, and then he pointed upwards. I looked up, and saw 1 person tiptoeing across a beam. He was wearing all black atire, and had a mask on with some hight tech eye wear. I frowned, then glared at the man.

"What?" I questioned. But he didnt move or say anything. He continued to watch the man in the ceiling. I sighed in frustration. I dont even know why im here. I tried walking away, but I got pulled back by an unknown force and my head was forced to watch the masked person. I saw him place a grapple into the ceiling, which was connected to him by a rope. Suddenly, two other people came behind him and crawled up the wire. Once they were up, the person looked around the warehouse, but then his eyes landed on mine. We made eye contact for 2 seconds, then he grappled away.

Once he left, I felt the resistance on my neck release, and I wasnt forced to look up in the sky.

"Ouch" I muttered, and stretched my neck. I wondered on how the person could see me when everyone else couldn't.

My eyes creeped back to the old man, now he was smiling. He turned his head to me.

"Your soulmate" He whispered, my eyes widened and I was suddenly teleported to my room. I gasped up, my breath became heavy for no reason as I was crying for air. I wiped my sweat off my forehead then checked beside me.

"Y/N's not here..." I muttered to myself. I stretched my body and sat in place. I recalled everything that happened.

I think I had a dream from cupid.

Suddenly I got a text from my phone. I reached over to it, and checked the id.

Good morning Sana, its Taehyung I hope you slept well. I was wondering if you want to have a drink with me this morning?

I shrugged my shoulder as I read the text. Its not like I had anything better to do. I responded to Taehyung, then stepped towards my closet to change into my clothes.

Y/N pov

"Hi Jennie!" I screamed over, we had a date today. Last night Jennie asked if we could hang out before the mission. And of course I said yes. We went to a coffee shop. Nothing fancy since I'm still wounded. My body feels better, although it's still a struggle to walk or do other normal stuff. But I had to push myself to get used to these things since the mission is tomorrow. And I also have to at least spend some free time because whenever I'm alone I just plan what to do on the attack tomorrow, which drained my energy a lot.

I stood in front of the shop, and saw her run up to me. I hugged her and kissed the side of her cheek.

"How have you been Y/N?" Jennie asked, then touched my stomach gently.

"Don't worry about it" I prompted, I put my arm around her shoulder and walked in the store. We sat down onto a corner seat that looked out to a window that had a great view of the roads. Soon, the waiter came up to us and took our orders. I had a americano while Jennie went for a choco-mint drink.

Soulmate - Sana x Male Reader (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora