Chapter 26: New Friend

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Y/N pov

After the boys, and girl, left. I decided I couldn't just stay at Sana's place. So I was making my way to the door...when I realized my keys to my house were in the van that was parked at the bar. Man, I should've asked my friends for a lift. But what can you do.

The bar was pretty far from here now that I realize it, about an hour walk. How the hell did I get here drunk? I can't imagine seeing some drunk guy creepily walking down the street. I'm surprised a police officer didn't see me.

Anyways, I don't think I can walk that far because of my headache, nor did I have the strength to. So, I headed down stairs and just sat down at that park I usually go to. The park where I told not Jennie. A fraud my feelings. I sat in the same spot. It was a nice day today. Sunny and stuff like that.

But My head still hurts.

I sighed and glanced at the reflection of the sky through the pond in front of me.

"I don't know what to think right now" I mumbled to myself. My mind felt like it would just explode. Flashbacks of the scenes where Jennie turned into Nayeon and when Jennie died played over and over. Along with myself thinking that it's my fault. I didn't know how to process it. I felt like punching something, it was like my head was speeding through a road, unable to get a good look at the stuff I was passing by, only seeing glimpses of what they actually were.

I took a long breath out, then a woman came up and sat beside me. I glanced at her at the corner of my eye. Why sit on my bench when theres literally a empty bench beside me? Annoyed by this woman's presence I was about to stand up and walk away when she started to talk.

"Love problems?" The woman asked, surprised by her question, I turned my face so I can get a good view of her. Sure she was pretty, but I dont plan on explaining anything to a woman I just met.

I did a slight nod with my head and just leaned forward so I didnt have to see her. I rested my eyes on some ducklings that were swimming in the water.

"Yeah, me too" She said, then we sat quietly in peace for about ten seconds.

"Care to talk about it?"

I sighed

The woman chuckled
"Sometimes its better to talk to someone than just holding it all in you know?" She advised, but I kept my mouth shut.

"You look like your old" The woman said. I thought she was teasing me, so I looked at her confusingly, but her facial expressions looked like she wasnt mocking me at all. Rather, it was a face of longing.

"400 plus" I muttered, her eyes widened.

"Really! Me too! Its rare to find someone as old as me" She exclaimed. My mouth hung open. Shes As old as me? Maybe she isnt that bad after all. She probably understands a little what Im going through.

"Say, do you mind if I talk to you? About my love life? I...just feel like you could be someone who can understand me more you know, since youre around the same age"

I moved my head up and down as approval, and she started to explain her experience.
The woman let out a long exhale
"You know, living in this world. Living for this seems like theres always a new way to get youre heartbroken"

I nudged my head in agreement, definitely thought of that before.

"Recently, my girlfriend of 10 years killed herself" She muttered, I could hear sadness in her voice.  "She...wrote a note saying that I was the reason why."

I resisted the urge to gasp. I felt a huge sympathy for her. 10 years thinking that shes the one, yet finding out shes not by obtaining the news that she committed suicide and that its her fault. That's brutal.
"Im sorry"

"Looking back. I guess...I was harsh and mean to her often....but that doesn't mean she should commit suicide right?"

"Maybe she was scared to tell you how she felt? Or was to scared to hurt youre feelings?" I suggested, but she shook her head.

"Maybe, but that dosent change the fact that I was the reason" She mumbled.

I thought back to Jennie. I also balmed on myself, I still do.
"You know, Alot of my past girlfriends are already dead. One of them....was because of me aswell."

I was surprised she wasn't surprised at what I said. She instead nodded in understanding.
"Yeah. I guess people as old as us are quite the same"

We sat in silence. I actually enjoyed her presence. Its the first time I actually felt like someone understood what I was going through.
"Hey, whats your name?"  I wondered

"Momo, you?"

"Y/N, say, how about we talk sometime?" I offered,

She gave me a warm smile.
"Id love that"

We exchanged phone numbers and we both parted ways from our little conversation. She walked away while I stood in front of the bench we were sitting in, staring at the beautiful scenery, before turning back towards Sana's home.

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