Chapter 38: She just wants attention

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I arrived home about 2 hours later. I got my phone fixed, which is good. I managed to bargain for half of what that guy offered me, but sheesh, I would've gotten a new one if I hadn't just bought one a day before because my old one got destroyed in the car crash.

I set me keys onto the stand, and went to look around for Sana. She wasn't in the living room, not that I expected her to be there anyways. Suddenly, i felt movement came up from behind the door as arms were put around me.

"Your back!" Sana screamed, I almost shit myself but remained my composure. It took me a bit to realize her boobs were piercing my back. Instantly my heart started to pound.

"S-Sana! You startled me!" I complained, and I unhooked her arms. I turned around and saw her giving me a warm smile.

"Sorry for being a bitch earlier" She stated, I patted her head and returned her smile because she was acting so damn cute.

"It's okay wifey" I flirted, I walked towards the living room and sat down and flipped over my new and improved phone.

"If you keep calling me that. Can I call you daddy?" She suddenly said. My eyes widened and was staring at the empty space between me and her as she made her way to me. Then her voice got low "Because That's what I'll be screaming all night tonight"

I chocked on my siliva when she said that. Sana quickly rushed and gave me a glass of water. I took a sip which calmed my aching throat.

"Aish. You're so unpredictable " I muttered. I'm not used to her saying those things. But maybe that's a sign that she still likes me.

"Anyways. Are you still going to take me on your motorcycle?" Sana asked, I tilted my head as I was unsure.

"I don't know.." I started "Let me call back Mo-"


I jumped out of my seat and stepped back in surprise. Sana stood there awkwardly then turned around in embarrassment and hid her red face. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Fine. If your so eager"

Sana was sitting at the back of the bike, while I tossed her a helmet. She had her hands on her thighs so The way she was sitting with her big helmet on her head made her look like a big doll. I put on my own helmet and sat in front of her. I gripped my hands onto the handles.

"Ready?" I turned my head back. But without waiting for a response, I started the gas and zoomed forward down the road. Sana screamed a hugged my waist. Her breast stood in my lower back, with her head resting on my shoulder. I couldn't help but release a smile.

Once I made it to the regular roads, Sana slowly released her grip from me. When I stopped at a light, I turned.

"Where do you wanna go?"

Sana shrugged.
"Bed" She whispered


"With you"


"The mall"

I nodded when I finally heard a valid answer and headed towards the mall. I couldn't help but blush from what she said.

Why did she only buy lingerie? Like thousands of places to shop and buy. But lingerie? And making me waist my money aswell. So unfair.

"Thanks Oppa!" Sana chuckled as she gave her two bags to me.

"No problem. I...hope you find them useful"

Sana nodded
"Very! I'm gonna use them soon!"

I raised my eyebrow
"Is that so?"

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